  • 學位論文


A palm and grip suppression algorithm for tablets built-in capacitive touchscreens

指導教授 : 洪文斌


最近有許多種類的平板電腦陸續上市。 平板電腦的主要使用者介面為電容式觸控螢幕。無可置疑地,電容式觸控螢幕提供了流暢且直覺式的手勢多點觸控功能。 也因如此,電容式觸控介面藉由導電性物體的接觸,可以感測到非常微小電荷的變化。 但另一方面,良好的靈敏度卻可能造成其他不便。當使用者用手指或其他導電物體在觸控螢幕上寫字或繪圖時,很可能因為拿平板電腦的單手或雙手,發生了錯誤的不良接觸。 本次研究的重點,就是從如何抑制意外觸控的影像處理角度來切入探討。


Many kinds of tablet computers (tablets for short) have been recently released onto the market. There is no doubt that the primary interface of the tablet is a capacitive touchscreen that can provide users with a fluid and intuitive multi touch function. It is attributable to the fact that the capacitive touchscreen can measure a minute change of a capacitance. On the other hand, the high sensitivity of the touchscreen can cause an undesirable effect when users write or draw. Base on user feedbacks, this has been causing some inconvenience. This study is focusing on how to discriminate non-fingertip contact such as a grip, palm and fist, and to suppress them from image processing point of view.


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[1] Wikipedia contributors. Tablet computer., 2013, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tablet_computer
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