  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Vehicular System Based on Smart Phone and OBD-II System

指導教授 : 張志勇


自西元1672年製造出第一輛以蒸汽為動力的車輛至今,世界上的汽車產量仍不停地增加也愈來愈普及,因此ITS(Intelligent Transportation System,智慧運輸系統)的發展及應用也逐漸受到關注,尤其是在行車安全這一塊尤為重要,透過OBD-II(the Second On-Board Diagnostics,車載自動診斷系統)的介面,可以取得儲存在車輛中的車況資訊,只要以更清楚便利的方式呈現,就可以幫助駕駛對於車輛狀況的掌握更加的準確。本論文的內容是撰寫Android應用程式在Android based的智慧型裝置上透過WIFI無線訊號與OBD-II進行溝通,即時取得車況資訊,將紀錄在汽車的晶片中的診斷故障代碼(DTC,Diagnostic Trouble Codes)封包接收後解析,不僅可以省去進廠使用OBD檢測儀器(OBD Scan Tool)讀出的程序,對於行車前的車況了解更能即時準確;將車輛行駛動力資訊搭配行車錄影紀錄,有別於一般市售的行車紀錄器(EDR,Event Data Recorder)僅能側錄行車影像,提供車輛行駛中更加完整的反應動作軌跡的紀錄,當事故發生時,對於肇事責任的判定也會有很大的幫助。


Since 1672 to produce the first one to steam-powered vehicles. The world's automobile production has kept increasing and more popular. So the development and application of ITS (Intelligent Transportation System, Intelligent Transportation Systems) capture attention gradually, especially the safety traffic area is important. The condition information saved in the vehicle can be received through OBD-II (the Second On-Board Diagnostics, board automatic diagnostic system) interface. As long as presented more clearly and convenient, it can help driver grasp the condition of the vehicle more accurately. In this paper we propose an Android application via WIFI wireless signals to communicate with OBD-II in the Android based smart device. To access the condition information immediately and to parse the DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) that recorded in the vehicle's chip after receiving. Not only eliminates the process which use OBD testing equipment (OBD Scan Tool) into the plant, but also understands the condition more immediate and accurately before driving. Recording the driving motion track information with the vehicle driving video provides more complete motion track records. And it's different from commercially available tachograph only skimming lane images. It will be a great benefit to determine the responsibility belong to when the accident occurred.


OBD-II DTC Vehicle systems tachograph


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