  • 學位論文


Hoteliers’ Perception of Green Hotel in Taipei and New Taipei City

指導教授 : 吳坤山


本研究從旅館業者的觀點,探討其對旅館環保標章規範內容與制度實施的接納狀況,以作為日後標章執行與推廣的參考依據。本研究以台北市、新北市的旅館業者為研究對象,探討台北市、新北市之旅館經營者對環保旅館檢核項目的評價,並探究不同區域在環保旅館檢核項目的內容規範認知與實際執行現況層面上是否有所差異。 本研究採普測方式進行,總計回收樣本數為331份,扣除無效樣本10份後,有效樣本為321份,有效樣本回收率為97%。透過描述性統計分析、信度分析、T 檢定及變異數分析、重要-表現分析法進行分析,其主要研究結果如下: 1.旅館業者認為八類環保旅館檢核項目中以「污染防制」類別規定最為嚴格,而旅館業者自評達成度則以「省水措施」類別最高。 2.經由重要-表現分析法可知有13項落於第I象限「應繼續維持」、3項位於第II象限「應先加強教育與訓練」、14項位於第III 象限「應加強規劃與執行」、4項位於第IV象限「應要進一步執行其他項目」。 3.旅館業者的人口統計變項以座落在新北市的旅館、成立時間20至25年的旅館、客房50間以下、房價NT. 2000以下等旅館業者,具有較高程度申請環保旅館意願。


This dissertation applied of importance-performance analysis (IPA) of the green hotel seal checklist criterion from the hoteliers view in Taiwan. The empirical data obtained from hoteliers can identify the acceptance of green hotel certification’s evaluation system by the hoteliers in Taiwan. Further, we expect the results will help the development and implementation of green hotel seals. In this study, we used the hoteliers in Taipei city and New Taipei city to be our research object sample, we investigate the hoteliers’ opinions and attitudes of the green hotel seal checklist criterion. Moreover, explore whether different cognition and practical implement of the green hotel certifications among these hoteliers. The hoteliers’ questionnaire quantitative data for this study were gathered from the hoteliers in Taipei city and New Taipei city. We will collect the samples from the members of the Taipei and New Taipei city Hotel association. Total of 331 hotelier questionnaires were returned. A further 10 of the returned questionnaires were incomplete, and thus 321 usable responses were received from hoteliers. The data analysis was used descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, T-test, ANOVA analysis, and importance-performance analysis. The findings of this study are described following: 1. In the IPA analysis of items of green hotel seal checklist criterion, it reveals among these of green seal checklist criterion, the construct of “pollution control” was ratings the most stringent requirements criterion. The “water conservation” was rating the highest performance among the criterions. 2. The attributes of green hotel seal checklist criterions in terms of importance and performance shows thirteen items were plotted in the quadrant I of “keep up the work”. Three items were plotted in quadrant II which means “strengthen the education and training”, these three features need to be improved upon terms of performance by the hoteliers. Also, fourteen items were positioned in the quadrant III of “strengthen the planning and execution”. The four items were plotted on quadrant IV of “low priority”. 3.The results reveal that the hoteliers whose were located in New Taipei City, were established 20-25 years, hotel size with rooms 50 or less, prices NT. 2000 or less, with a higher intention to apply for green hotels.


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