  • 學位論文


Using Mind-learning Map mode to discuss the impact of learning motivation to learning performance – intellectual styles as moderating variables

指導教授 : 楊明玉


隨著網際網路的穩定發展,各機關行號、企業以及教育單位皆已導入數位學習以進行教育訓練,數位學習便開始蓬勃發展。而學習者在進行數位學習時,主要以教材模式為學習主軸,若教材無法引起學習者的興趣,也較難提升學習者的學習成效,故數位教材成為在數位學習環境中,需要仔細考量的重要因素。 目前網路上的數位教材五花八門,主要呈現方式為文字、影音及圖像,本研究參考圖像教材中的心智地圖法,針對其概念並加以結構化,創新一套教學教材模式「心智學習地圖」(MLM)以完整呈現知識架構,並以此作為教材,探討學習者的學習動機及成效是否因教材而有所提升,產生差異。學習者風格的不同也可能影響學習者的學習成效,故本研究透過準實驗法探討學習者學習動機對學習成效之影響,是否因風格的不同而產生干擾。 本研究結果如下: 一、 學習動機中的自我效能、工作價值、外在目標導向三面向與學習成效有顯著正相關。 二、 學習動機中的期望成功與測試焦慮兩面向與學習成效有顯著負相關。 三、 在不同教材模式下學習,學習動機中的工作價值及自我效能兩面向在傳統簡報教材模式下對於學習者有較高的學習動機。 四、 在不同教材模式下學習,學習成效中的學習成果是心智學習地圖高於簡報教材,學習滿意度則反之。 五、 學習者學習動機對學習成效之影響,不會因為智能風格的不同,而有所改變。


With the steady development of the Internet, the enterprises and educational institutions have imported digital learning for education and training, e-learning began to flourish. When learners learn with e-learning, they mainly use digital materials to get the knowledge. If the digital materials can not inspire learners’ motication, it’s difficult to enhance the learning performance, too. Therefore, digital materials become the important factor in digital learning environment. At present, there are a wide variety of digital learning materials on the web. The main presentation of the materials are the text, the video, the movie and the graphic etc. This research reference the mind map graphic way to innovative a material “Mind-learning Map (MLM)”. It makes the concept structured and presents a complete knowledge of architecture. This research explored that if the new materials will improve the learners’ motivation and performance. Learners’ performance may also affect by their learning styles and cognitive styles, so the research explore the effect of learning motivation to learning performance through experimentation, whether due to different intellectual styles as moderating variables. The results of the study are as follows: 1. The dimension “extrinsic goal orientation” and “task value” and “self efficacy” of motivation was significantly positive related to students’ learning performance. 2. The dimension “expectancy of success” and “test anxiety” of motivation was significantly negative related to students’ learning performance. 3. With different digital materials, the power point material in the dimension “tast value” and “self efficacy” of motivation was significantly higher than mind-learning map. 4. With different digital materials, the power point material in the dimension “learning satisfacation” of learning performance was significantly higher than mind-learning map. The mind-leaning map material in the dimension “learning outcomes” of learning performance was significantly higher than the power point material. 5. The influence of learning motivation to learning performance will not change by the intellectual styles.


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