  • 學位論文


The words of the physician writer enlighten me on philosophy of life

指導教授 : 崔成宗


江自得〈病理學家〉一詩有言: 從一個細胞看世界 從一小塊組織切片看社會 從一具屍體看人間百態 醫生作家結合其專業知識及文學素養,創作兼具知性與感性之作品,題材內容多元豐富,涵括多種病症以及醫療相關的物象,賴和引用高木友枝先生的話說:「要做醫生之前,必須做成了人,沒有完成的人格,不能盡醫生的責務」。醫生藉由手中的筆來代替手術刀解剖社會、改造社會,將科學的技術中灌入更多的人文關注來治療身心疾病,書寫白袍生活、醫院大觀園與病患心路歷程,藉醫院、醫生工作做為寫作題材,以其醫學專業的眼光來宏觀社會、診治社會,對大千世界人、事、物,抱持愛與關懷,「醫事寫作」反映出來的其實是深沈的生命哲學。 在文學的領域中,除優遊在文學作品中析離出古今作家對應生命的智慧與生活美學,閱讀醫療散文,開啟一扇窗,能夠讓尚未經歷到生命老死的我們,透過作家淑世多情之眼,看到悲憫、看到「死」、也看到「生」,將真正文學創作理念以科學形式呈現在讀者眼前。我們似乎不該將醫生與作家的緊密聯繫去作切割,因為兼及二者的那些醫師作家們用他們各自獨特的方式,為世人提出了不凡的理念。從前我們對大眾文學種種邊緣化和污名化的論述,隨著時間、在當今這個內壓、外壓均日趨增加的社會,對於大眾文學更應有另一番詮釋。希望藉由大眾文學的語言力量,用一種科學理想的處世方式,讓人們能夠活得更從容,更樂觀,可省思生命議題促使社會改變現狀。 本論文最終目的是希望藉探究醫事寫作,提供一個閱讀視角,從文學的角度去思索反省醫生的形象及內涵,將醫界的神聖面紗揭開,從而省思醫療體制中內部權力惡鬥、人性弱點,與社會公義、醫療倫理等價值的衝突。「醫事文學」被更廣大地傳播,構建和諧社會。根本上應該著眼於人,不斷使人的生命本質全面的發展,促進全體社會成員思想人本道德,闡述大眾文學作品仍舊可以有內涵和深度,使人們正視生命價值意義,思索生命的起點,將大眾文學創作提升到另一層次。


Abstract: In Chiang Chi-der ’s poem “Pathologist,” it says: Seeing the world from a cell Seeing the social from a surgical specimen Seeing the panorama of life from a dead body The doctor-writer writes rational and emotional works with his professional knowledge and literary talents. His materials are diverse and include diseases and medical images. Quoting from Takagi Tomoe, Lai He says, “If we want to become doctors, we should become people first. Without perfect personality, we can hardly fulfill doctors’ duties.” With his pen, this doctor dissects the society and improves the society. Injecting more humanistic concerns into scientific knowledge, he pay more care and concern to patients. Composing about the life of being a doctor and the kaleidoscope of a hospital, he uses the hospital and a doctor’s profession as materials. With his professional outlook, he is enthusiastic to observe the society and cure the society. Compassionate about all the people, things, and events in this world, he cares and concerns about people. In his “medical writing,” he illuminates profound life philosophy. In the realm of literature, he wanders among literary pieces to interpret the writers’ wisdom and aesthetics of everyday life towards life. Reading medical essays, it opens up a window to allow us, who have not experience the issues of childbirth, aging, sickness, and death, to see “life” and “death” through the experienced eyes of the writer, presenting the authentic idea of creative writing with the form of science in front of readers’ eyes. We should not dissect the relationship between a doctor and a writer because both of them use their own unique ways to propose extraordinary thinking. In the past, we tended to marginalize or stigmatize popular literature with our criticism. In the course of time, in this society with increasing inner-pressure and outer-pressure, we should interpret popular literature in different manner. We hope to use the language power in popular literature and our scientific ideals and conduct in this world to allow people live easier and happier so that they can retrospect the issues of life and urge to change our present conditions. This thesis aims to provide a perspective of reading, by examining medical writing, to ponder upon the image and implications of a doctor from a literary perspective. Unveiling the veil of the medical professions, we would like to reexamine the conflicting values of power struggle, human weaknesses, social justice, and medical ethics in the profession of medicine. This thesis also proposes that “medical literature” should be promoted extensively to construct a better and more harmonious society. Essentially, we should focus on people to allow the essence of life develop fully in order to promote the thinking and moral of the members in this society. It also highlights that popular literature is still meaningful and profound, alerting people to pay more attention to the meanings of life. Thinking the origins of life, we should promote popular literature to a higher realm.


王溢嘉:《實習醫師手記》,台北:野鵝出版社,1989 年。
林貞均:《白色雙塔記——台日《白色巨塔》異同研究》,台北:台灣師範大學國文學系教學碩士班碩士論文,2010 年。
林容萱:《大眾文學與社會的對話--以侯文詠長篇小說為例》,國立台北教育大學語文與創作學系碩士論文,2009 年。
陳惠青:《當代臺灣醫療散文中的生死意涵研究——以八○年代之後作品為主》,台北:台灣師範大學國文學系在職進修碩士班碩士論文,2009 年。


