  • 學位論文


Onomatopoeia of Chinese and Japanese translating research─Take Chinese Ttranslations of Kenji Miyazawa's story for an example─

指導教授 : 林寄雯


想要將日文的擬聲、擬態語翻譯成中文並不容易。字典當中的說明往往也只是進行字義上的解釋。與中文相比,日文的擬聲擬態語種類與表現相當多樣化。在閱讀日本童話時,可以發現故事中大量使用擬聲擬態語,兒童文學中的擬聲擬態語,與其說是使用在形容人事物,不如說它營造出整個畫面的聲音效果。 台灣近年來,各方面關於翻譯的研究相當盛行,兒童文學研究的資料相當豐富,但是查詢翻譯研究文獻時,發現兒童文學的日中對譯研究資料不多,其中,以童話為中心的擬聲語擬態語對譯相關的先行研究更是少。想要更深入探討這部分而進行了這次的研究。 本研究由五個章節構成,第二章先定義了日文與中文的擬聲語擬態語,以及整理了擬聲語擬態語的相關研究。第三章和第四章以宮澤賢治的童話為中心,進行擬聲擬態語的對譯分析。因為紙幅有限無法將全部的童話都進行分析,故第三章當中以『銀河鐵道之夜』為主要分析對象,第四章會在第三章考察結果之上,以短篇童話更進一步進行對照分析研究。使用的調查對象為『夜鷹之星』、『貓咪事務所』、『金色番茄』、『大提琴手高修』,對照的中譯本為賴庭雲與歐千華譯本。 從研究結果可以發現,歐譯本當中盡可能將日文的擬聲擬態語翻成中文,但賴譯本當中則可以看見傾向於省略的翻譯手法。此外,比起日文原文多處使用擬聲語擬態語來呈現文章,中文譯文則主要以副詞、形容詞、動詞、名詞以及文來翻譯擬聲語擬態語。可以看出中文擬聲語擬態語表現的多樣性比日文少,也無法完全呈現出生動的臨場感。但,可以看見中文使用不同的修辭來翻譯相同的擬聲擬態語,這也可以說是中文的特性之一。


There is not easy to make the Japanese’s onomatopoeia translate into Chinese. Even in the dictionary, it often just makes the literal meaning’s explanation. When reading Japanese’s fairy tales, we can find that there using many onomatopoeia in the stories, the onomatopoeia in child literature, It was more like making sound effects for the story than describe the people, the events, and the substances. For the past few years in Taiwan, various fields of translation studies have been currency. But when we inquire about the research of translation, we will discover the research of Chinese and Japanese translating research for child literature is not much, inside the prior research of onomatopoeia for fairy tales is more less. Because of want to probe into this theme, so make this study. This research is composed of five chapters. In chapter two, author give a definition the onomatopoeia of Japanese and Chinese, and organized these onomatopoeia materials. In chapter three and four, author go around the Kenji Miyazawa’s works, make the translation studies of onomatopoeia. Because of limitations of space, so author pick Night on the Galactic Railroad to be the subject of research in chapter three, and in chapter four author make an observation the results on chapter three, and make the further analysis of short fairy tales cross-check analysis. The study works is going to use The Nighthawk Star, Neko No Zimusho, Kiiro no Tomato and Gauche the Cellist; and Chinese translation book is picking TING-YUN LAI and CIAN-HUA OU’s translate edition to make cross reference. According to result of research, CIAN-HUA OU’s translate edition is as far as possible to make Japanese’s onomatopoeia translate into Chinese; but in other side TING-YUN LAI’s translate edition is more make it simple. Moreover, by comparison with the original, the Chinese translate edition is more like to use adverbs, adjective, verb and noun to translate the original’s onomatopoeia. We can find out variety of onomatopoeia in Chinese is less than in Japanese, and also not easy to make a lively presence expression. But we can find out there are many different rhetoric to translate the same onomatopoeia. We can say this is one of individuality of Chinese.


