  • 學位論文


A Study of the Personality Traits and Leadership Style for the CEOs of Apple, Samsung and ASUS

指導教授 : 牛涵錚


在科技快速變動的時代,資訊產品不斷的推陳出新。企業領導者除了扮演著帶領企業向上成長的角色,所展現的人格特質與領導型態也影響自家產品的型態,如蘋果賈伯斯求新求變的魅力,以致Apple系列的產品備受消費者所推崇。本研究即針對Apple、Samsung與ASUS 三款手機來探討三位企業領導者的人格特質、領導風格與產品創新,是否具有關聯性及消費者對智慧型手機的滿意程度。 本研究以次級資料分析法及問卷調查為主要研究方法,並歸納對這三家CEO的傳記或報章雜誌報導做仔細的分析歸類其人格特質、領導風格。並輔以問卷統計結果來比較分析企業家領導者之人格特質和領導型態,進一步探討執行長的「人格特質」與「領導型態」,與消費者對「智慧型手機的認知」之間的關係。 本研究依自傳歸納這三位企業領導者(賈伯斯,李健熙,施崇棠)分別具有經驗開放性,嚴謹性,情緒穩定性,以及領導型態分別為魅力型、交易型與轉換型領導。並輔以問卷調查,問卷調查三位人格特質領導者的相關題目,將三位企業家之傳記資料與回收問卷數據作對照,歸納出賈伯斯與施崇棠具備魅力領導型態,李健熙則是交易型領導型。 自傳與問卷對照出只有華碩施崇棠有兩個面向,施崇棠自我的認知與消費者對他的觀感是不一樣的。建議華碩若要邁入高單價的手機市場,需要調整智慧型手機市場的發展趨勢,更要創造屬於ZenFone手機的特色。


In the era of technology changing dramatically, information technology products have been innovating over the years. In addition to being a role of bringing entrepreneur up, the personality traits and leadership style of an entrepreneur leader also get much public attention. For example, Steve Jobs of Apple received universal acclaim from the customers. This thesis aims to study the personality traits, product design and product innovation of leaders of Apple, Samsung and Asus, that correlate with customer satisfaction about the smart phone. This study uses Secondary Data Analysis and questionnaire survey as main research methods. The leadership style and personality traits are also analyzed by questionnaire survey. This study concludes that all the leaders of these companies have personality traits with Openness to experience. This study concludes that all the leaders of these companies have personality traits with openness to experience. According to the survey, most of successful leaders have the characteristics of creativity, adventurous traits and enthusiasm. Thus, it is concluded leaders with openness to experience could more likely be successful compared those without openness to experience.


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