  • 學位論文

歐洲統合進程Visegrad Group產業轉型之研究

The Study of Industrial Transformation in the Visegrad Group with the Process of European Integration

指導教授 : 陳麗娟


波蘭、捷克、斯洛伐克、匈牙利是中東歐,經濟體質較好且政治相對較穩定的國家,它們擁有鄰近的地緣關係、相同的宗教信仰、共同歷史背景、優質的高等教育程度與廉價勞力以及高工業技術和投資優惠措施等優勢,自1990年代以來,吸引大批歐洲投資商進駐,為當地帶來了無限的商機。因此它們以加入歐盟為目標,成立Visegrad group,希冀透過合作關係,消除繁雜的內部障礙,提升中東歐經濟效能及東西歐的區域安全,並運用其組織平台,相互進行協調、共同協商,在全方位領域下先行達成歐盟加入標準。 2004年Visegrad Group四個國家加入歐盟後,集團並未因加入歐盟而名存實亡。每年仍輪流提出年度議程草案,針對政治、經濟、外交、文化、科技與安全等政策提出四個國家的共同立場及目標,並協助其他欲加入歐盟的東南歐國家,進行轉型,進行歐洲統合。本研究為探究Visegrad Group四個國家,波蘭、捷克斯洛伐克、匈牙利經濟產業轉型歷程做出進一步的分析。


After the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, it was inevitable to create a platform for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe to transform their social, economic and political structures to integrate into the EU.The access to the EU is a symbol of returning to the Free World. The Visegrad Group has been established in 1991 by Poland,the Czech Repubic, the Slovak Republic and Hungary. The members of the Visegrad Group have common historical and cultural background, religious tradition, similar civilization and values of Europe. The V4 countries have preserved common cultural value and strengthened their position through the Visegrad platfrom. The Visegrad Group is nowdays an engine for the economic growth in the EU. The V4 countries have become the formal members of the EU since 2004. This thesis works on the industrial transformation in the Visegrad Group with the process of European integration.


Bela Balassa(1961),The Theory of Economic Integration,London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Bela Balassa(1982),Reforming the New Economic Mechanism in Hungary,U.S.A:The World Bank.
