  • 學位論文


PLA Navy Escort Missions in the Aden Gulf (2008-2016) : Development, Characteristics and Influence

指導教授 : 林中斌
共同指導教授 : 沈明室(Ming-Shih Shen)


2008年起索馬利亞海盜肆無忌憚的劫掠行為,造成全球航運業龐大的財務損失,更對國際經濟發展帶來重大影響。聯合國安理會於同年6月做出決議,呼籲會員國派遣海軍協助索馬利亞過渡政府打擊海盜。世界各國及重要的國際組織陸續響應,相繼派遣部隊投入打擊索馬利亞海盜行動中。中共也在2008年12月底宣布派遣海軍護航編隊,前往亞丁灣海域實施護航任務。 亞丁灣護航任務,是中共首次參與國際授權的軍事行動,也是解放軍海軍首次參與的海外軍事行動。對長期在國際海軍合作孤立的中共而言,是極具意義的突破。從中共派遣艦艇參與打擊索馬利亞海盜行動、積極經營護航任務運作到護航行動所衍伸的效益,可看出中共面對國際事務態度上的轉變。中共迄今派遣22批次護航編隊,從初期的摸索與學習到後期的兵力運用與操作,使護航行動由最初的打擊海盜轉變成中共海外兵力部署。其發展過程與操作特色,值得我們深入探討與分析。 藉由護航行動走出近海的解放軍海軍,不僅走出地理上兩洋三海的侷限,更透過打擊海盜行動與外國海軍建立互動的機制。這樣的交流與合作,使解放軍海軍逐漸與世界接觸,甚至開始融入國際海軍的運作體系與規範中。這一連串的轉變,也影響中共使用軍事力量處理國際非傳統安全問題的態度。更對中共一帶一路政策中,海上絲綢之路的規劃產生重要的影響性。透過對中共亞丁灣護航的研究,不僅僅是觀察解放軍發展的轉變,更是探究中共未來軍事力量運用的最佳典範。


解放軍海軍 護航 亞丁灣


Since 2008, piracy off the Somali coast has brought the shipping industry around the world a huge damage, also a severe impact on the economics of the international community. On June 2008, Security Council of the United Nations has adopted a resolution, calling all member states sending their navies to help Somalian interim government conducting anti-piracy measures. Nations around the world and international organizations respond to the resolution by sending forces to run operations against piracy. China also declared that a task force will be deployed to Gulf of Aden to conduct escort missions on the end of December 2008. The escort missions in the Gulf of Aden, is the first time for China to join the military operation authorized internationally. It is also the first oversea deployment for the PLA Navy. The escort missions in the Gulf of Aden, is a meaningful breakthrough for China, which has been long isolated in international naval co-operations. The change of China’s attitude toward international affairs, can observed though the deployment of the Chinese navy ships to join the anti-piracy operations, China’s active operations of escort missions, and the benefit brought by these actions. So far, China has send task forces 22 times, the trials and learnings in the early period, the use of force and operation are worth research and analysis. The PLA Navy goes beyond the coastal waters, has not only overcome the geographical limits of the two oceans and three seas, but also built the mechanism for interacting with other navies through the anti-piracy missions. Chinese Navy contact the world through these co-operations and interactions, and began to be involved in the operational systems and norms of navies around the world. These changes also has an influence on China’s attitude toward dealing non-traditional security problems with military power. Furthermore, it has a significant impact to the planning of the Silk Road on the Sea, in China’s One Belt, One Road policy. A research on the Chinese escort missions in the Gulf of Aden, will not only be an observation of PLA’s development and changes, but also be the best paradigm of analyzing the Chinese use of force in the future.


PLAN Escort Aden Gulf


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