  • 學位論文


The influence of working pet owners' positive psychology on their workplace spirituality-use the life attitude of dying pets as the mediator

指導教授 : 洪英正


本研究綜觀目前台灣針對飼主面對寵物離世之相關文獻,皆著重在面對寵物離世的經驗分享及後續心理調適歷程之個案分析,人們將「寵物」視為家人,因此等同在現今既有的人倫關係中注入新的角色,所以本研究擬欲探討在職工作之飼主面對其寵物臨終之生命態度,對我們內在心靈的正向成長是否有幫助?並進而延伸至生活及工作而產生的影響。 本研究以網路問卷Google表單進行便利抽樣,樣本為在職工作之飼主,調查後有效問卷259份,藉由描述性統計、項目分析、信度分析、因素分析、迴歸分析、層級迴歸分析、t檢定及變異數分析等方法進行資料分析。研究結果顯示如下: 一、在職工作之飼主正向心理對面對寵物臨終之生命態度有顯著影響。 二、在職工作之飼主面對寵物臨終之生命態度對職場靈性有顯著影響。 三、在職工作之飼主正向心理對職場靈性有顯著影響。 四、在職工作之飼主面對寵物臨終之生命態度在其正向心理對職場靈性的影響上有部分中介作用。 五、不同人口統計變項之在職工作之飼主在正向心理、面對寵物臨終之生命態度及職場靈性上有部分顯著差異。


The research observes the domestic articles regarding the pet's owner facing to their pet's death. These relative articles all focus on the experiences of confronting pet's death and the mental adjustment process afterward. We view pets as part of our family, which means adding the new role to present relationship. The research will reveal the life attitude of working pet's owner facing to dying pets. Is it positive to our internal spirit growth? The research also exposes the influences on living and working. The questionnaire uses convenient sampling method via Google survey form and takes the working pet's owners as samples. There are 259 effective subjects. Making data analysis by using SPSS including descriptive statistics analysis, item analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis, hierarchical regression analysis, t-test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results are as below: 1. There is a significant influence of working pet owners’ positive psychology on the life attitude when facing to the dying pets. 2. There is a significant influence of life attitude of working pet owners on their workplace spirituality when facing to their dying pets. 3. There is a significant influence of working pet owners' positive psychology on their workplace spirituality. 4. Partial mediator effect of life attitude of working pet owners' facing to dying pets on the influence of their positive psychology to workplace spirituality. 5. Partial significant differences of various demographics of working pet owners on their positive psychology, life attitude of facing to dying pets, and workplace spirituality.


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