  • 學位論文


Investigating Novice Learners’ Perception towards the Factors of Consecutive Interpretation

指導教授 : 黃永裕 潘怡靜


本研究旨在根據1-2年之初級口譯學習者之學習經驗,語言程度及口譯技巧來探討影響英翻中逐步口譯流暢度之因素。研究欲探討之可能因素包含學習者學習口譯之動機、語言因素、筆記技巧、記憶力及口譯員所需能力之看法。研究中亦針對教師及學習者本身對口譯學習的影響程度進行探討。 本研究參與者為59位(14位男性,45位女性)南部某科技大學學生。學生在進行問卷調查前已完成1至2年口譯課程。參與者必須完成一份英文翻中文逐步口譯測驗,測驗由兩位口譯教師進行評分並依分數分為逐步口譯高成就組(HCI group)及逐步口譯低成就組(LCI group)。參與者必須填寫由研究者設計之英翻中逐步口譯問卷,問卷結果將進行量化分析。此外,本研究從兩組中各挑選三位參與者進行訪談,訪談內容將與問卷結果進行比較分析。 根據問卷分析結果顯示,學習口譯之動機 (r(57)=-.58, p<.01)、英文單字 (r(57)=-.43, p<.01)、中文能力 (r(57)=-.31, p<.05)及筆記技巧 (r(57)=-.37, p<.01)與口譯流暢度有顯著相關。針對逐步口譯高成就組來看,則只有學習口譯之動機 (r(30)=-.52, p<.01)與口譯流暢度有相關性。逐步口譯低成就組則在學習口譯之動機(r(29)=-.51, p<.01)及筆記技巧上(r(29)=-.41, r<.05)與口譯流暢度有相關性。在學習口譯動機上,逐步口譯低成就組在學習口譯動機上低於逐步口譯高成就組(t=-3.22, p<.01)。另外,針對口譯困難的部分,逐步口譯低成就組在英文單字(t=-3.41, p<.01),中文能力(t=-2.77, p<.01)及筆記技巧上(t=-2.41, p<.05) 比逐步口譯高成就組有較大的困難。在教師及本身的影響程度上,兩組學生都認為教師及本身的學習對逐步口譯皆有影響。但是,本身努力程度的影響大於教師在教學上的影響。 本研究結果證明學習口譯動機、英文單字、中文能力、筆記技巧及對口譯員所需能力之看法與口譯流暢度有相關性。但是英文聽力及記憶力與口譯流暢度無相關性的結果則令人驚訝。雖然量化分析未呈現顯著相關性,但是質性分析中卻呈現出參與者對相關困難性的描述。研究結果對英翻中逐步口譯之初級學習者所遇到的學習困難有進一步的了解。本研究針對逐步口譯教學之應用及解決逐步口譯學習困難之方法亦有深入探討。


中文能力 逐步口譯 聽力 記憶力 動機 筆記技巧 單字


In the last decades, significant developments have taken place in the field of interpretation. However, an important issue that has not been extensively investigated is the factors affecting the fluency of consecutive interpretation with students for different consecutive interpretation proficiency. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to explore possible factors affecting the fluency of English to Chinese interpretation in novice learners with 1-2 years of learning on account of interpretation learners' learning experience, language ability and interpretation skills. Possible factors which affect the learning performance of consecutive interpretation in the present include learner’s motivation, language factors, note-taking skills, memory factors, attitudes toward needs for being an interpreter and learners’ feedback toward the influence of teachers and learners. Both quantitative and qualitative results are adopted for analysis. A total number of participants who finished the whole procedure was 59 (14 males, 45 females). They had taken 1-2 years of interpretation courses before this experiment. Participants needed to complete one consecutive interpretation article from English to Chinese for evaluation and scores were given by two instructors. Participants were divided into HCI group (n=30) and LCI group (n=29) according to their scores on consecutive interpretation article. Both groups of participants also needed to complete the Questionnaires for English to Chinese Consecutive Interpretation designed by the researcher for statistical analysis. Six learners from high proficiency in consecutive interpretation group (HCI group) and low proficiency in consecutive interpretation group (LCI group) were chosen to answer interview questions for further analysis. In terms of overall mean values, the statistical results indicated that motivation (r(57)=-.58, p<.01), English vocabulary (r(57)=-.43, p<.01), Chinese proficiency (r(57)=-.31) and note-taking skills (r(57)=-.37) had significant correlations with the fluency of English to Chinese consecutive interpretation. As for HCI group, only motivation (r(30)=-.52, p<.01)had significant correlation with the fluency of English to Chinese consecutive interpretation . As for LCI group, motivation (r(29)=-.51, p<.01) and note-taking skills (r(29)=-.41, r<.05) had significant correlations with the fluency of English to Chinese consecutive interpretation. Regarding to the difficulties, LCI group tended to have more negative motivation toward consecutive interpretation (t=-3.22, p<.01) and more difficulties in English vocabulary (t=-3.41, p<.01), Chinese proficiency (t=-2.77, p<.01) and note-taking skills (t=-2.41, p<.05). Besides, participants in both groups believed that teachers and learners themselves are vital factors when learning consecutive interpretation. However, the efforts of learners themselves might have greater influence on the fluency of English to Chinese consecutive interpretation than the teachers. The results of the current study indicated positive relationships with the fluency of English to Chinese consecutive interpretation, such as motivation, English vocabulary, Chinese proficiency, note-taking skills and attitudes toward the needs for being an interpreter. Other results, however, are surprising, such as English listening comprehension and memory. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of data revealed that learners encountered certain difficulties when learning English to Chinese consecutive interpretation although no correlations were found for some factors. These findings should contribute to a better understanding of factors affecting the fluency of English to Chinese consecutive interpretation in novice learners. The study could also have useful pedagogical implications for training, both for teachers and trainers and to deal with the difficulties facing by consecutive interpretation learners.


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