  • 學位論文


Comparative Analysis of Parliamentary Election between the Philippines and Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳鴻瑜


在東南亞的國家當中,菲律賓為第一個實施民主政治的國家,然而在政治強人馬可仕於1972年宣布戒嚴後,菲律賓的民主制度開始走回頭路,雖然艾奎諾夫人在1986年以人民的力量贏得大選,恢復了過去的民主政體,修訂新憲法,但原先的民主體制在馬可仕的破壞下,菲律賓已不存在以往穩定的兩黨制。台灣則是在1987年解嚴之後,政黨政治蓬勃發展,政黨制度的變化由一黨獨大制到多黨制,未來則趨向發展為穩定的兩黨制,而單一選區兩票制已是近年來許多民主國家選制改革的重要趨勢,大致上以德國式聯立制以及日本式並立制為主要代表,台灣自2008年開始第七、八、九屆三次立委選舉採行此新選制。 菲律賓與台灣民主化發展過程中的時間點相近,本文將從菲律賓與台灣的政治環境背景談到民主制度形成過程,比較兩國政黨政治在民主化後的發展,有何異同處,並將以單一選區兩票制做為研究主軸,除了探討單一選區兩票制的制度理論,延伸說明菲律賓與台灣的選舉制度異同點外,分析探討其中原因,並研析菲律賓與台灣政治環境背景,菲律賓與台灣的選舉制度之比較,對於菲律賓與台灣的政黨政治發展進行歸納整理,分析其特性與未來可能發展方向。


The Philippines is the first state of the southeast Asia states to carry out democratic politics, but along with the political strongman that Ferdinand Marcos declared the martial law, the democracy in Philippines turned back the wheel of history. Although Mrs. Corazon Aquino won the president election with the people's power in 1986, she enacted a new constitution, and practice it as a democratic regime. However, the democratic regime of the Philippines had been destroyed by Ferdinand Marcos. In the past decades, stability of two-party system in the Philippines had been disappeared. After Taiwan declared to repeal the martial law in 1987, the development of party politics in Taiwan mushroomed, the transition of party-system from one dominant party system to multi-party system. It oriented toward the stable two-party system. The single-constituency two-vote system is an important trend in the reform of many democracies since the 1990s. Generally speaking, the German Mixed-Member Proportional representation and the Japanese Parallel voting are mainly represented. Since the beginning of 2008, Taiwan adopted the new election system in the seventh, eighth and ninth election of the Legislative Yuan. On the basis of the similarity between the development of the Philippines and Taiwan's democratization, the differences between the political parties in the post-democratization of the two countries are to be discussed in my research. This focus of this paper will concentrate on the formation of democratic system from the political environment background of the Philippines and Taiwan. As the main axis of the study, in addition to explore the single-constituency two-vote system theory, this paper will discuss the similarities and differences of the election system of both two countries, and to explore and analyze the reasons of their difference. Finally, the paper will compare the election system of the Parliamentary institution of both two countries.


