  • 學位論文


Examining the Antecedents and Consequences of Work-to-School Conflict

指導教授 : 汪美伶


在職進修學生利用工作之餘進修,會因為職場與學習單位二個場域的干擾與影響而產生職學衝突,本研究在探討引發職學衝突的前因(工作要求)、後果(學習倦怠),並以工作資源及學習資源為調節變項,檢驗其是否會減緩工作要求對學習倦怠之影響。 本研究針對碩士在職專班學生,以電子問卷方式蒐集458分資料,採用層級迴歸進行分析。結果發現,工作要求對職學衝突、學習倦怠具正面影響,職學衝突對學習倦怠具正面影響,職學衝突對工作要求與學習倦怠影響具部分中介效果,學習資源對工作要求與學習倦怠影響具調節效果。然而,工作資源在工作要求對學習倦怠之間不具影響效果。最後,本研究根據上述結果,提出相關理論與實務意涵建議。


The working students learn at leisure time and encounter the work-to-school conflict that results from the interfere and influence of working and learning domains. The purpose for the study is to explore the job demand as antecedent and school burnout as consequence that result in work-to-school conflict, as well job resource and learning resource as moderators to examine the suppressing regulation effect of the work-to-school conflict on the relation between job demand and school burnout. Data was collected from the 458 valid web survey questionnaires of the domestic working employees enrolled in the courses of Master degree at the universities. Results of the hierarchical regression analysis reveals that job demand had positive effects on work-to-school conflict and school burnout. work-to-school conflict had positive effects on school burnout. The relationship between job demand and school burnout were partial mediated by work-to-school conflict. Also the learning resource was found that had moderating effect on the relation between job demand and learning burnout. However, the job resource was found that had no moderating effect on the relation between job demand and learning burnout. Finally, both theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


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