  • 學位論文


A case study of privatre preschool's marketing strategy under social changes:from the perspective of educational services

指導教授 : 李培齊


「私立幼兒園」是社會變遷下的產物,本研究透過文獻資料與個案分析,探討社會變遷下台灣幼兒教育政策的發展,包括當前社會變遷的因素與教保服務的發展趨勢,研究重點在於分析教育行銷、幼兒園教育服務行銷策略之發展。經由個案研究,了解私立幼兒園配合社會變遷,在行銷策略上的因應之道,試圖建構一套適用於私立幼兒園的”教育服務行銷架構”。 本論文之結論與建議: (一)、個案幼兒園之教育服務行銷策略: 1.以創造思考教育為行銷價值觀的核心,建立好口碑。 2.行銷策略要與時俱進,借助科技行銷事半功倍。 3.教育服務行銷的先後順序:(1)內部行銷,(2)互動行銷,(3)外部行銷。 4.內部行銷的重點在於對園務行政實施科學化管理、對教職員實施人性化領導;互動行銷的重點則在於以教育專業為要、人際關懷為輔;外部行銷則應該強調理念故事化、教學口碑化。 (二)、創造思考教育服務的行銷思惟與策略: 1.內部行銷策略要能創造人才思考。 2.互動行銷策略要能創造專業與感動服務。 3.外部行銷策略要能創造品牌與粉絲。 有著福利性質的幼兒教育,若缺乏政府的保護政策,對於幼兒未必是福。私立幼兒園雖正處於政府主導的準市場政策產生的立足點不平等的競爭狀態。若能學習個案幼兒園,以創造思考教育為行銷價值觀的核心,建立好口碑;順應社會變遷,擬定行銷策略;結合科技網路推廣教學理念。反而能因行銷”利益社會價值的產品”而得以永續經營。


"Private Preschool" is a product of social change; this study tries to explore the development of preschool education policy in Taiwan under social changes through the literature review and a case analysis. The analysis includes the factor of social changes and the trend of child care development. The focal points are on education marketing, the development of marketing strategy in preschool education services. The case study intends to understand marketing strategies adopted and implementation difficulties faced by private preschools and their coping strategies. This paper would like to construct a framework of educational service marketing for "private preschools". The conclusions and recommendations of this thesis are: A. For marketing strategies related to educational services in the case of private preschool: 1. Develop good reputation by creating creative thinking education as the core value of marketing. 2. Marketing strategies should keep pace with changing times, and with the help of scientific and technological marketing. 3. Marketing of educational services should be in the order of internal marketing, interactive marketing and external marketing. 4. Internal marketing should focus on the implementation of scientific manage-ment of the preschool administration, the implementation of humanistic leadership of the staff; interactive marketing should emphasize on professional education with interpersonal care as a supplement; external marketing should make stories out of ideal and create positive word-of-mouth for teaching. B. For marketing perspectives and strategies related to the services of the development of creative thinking education: 1. Internal marketing strategy should train staff having the ability of critical thinking. 2. Interactive marketing strategy should bring about professional and passionate services. 3. External marketing strategies should create brands and accumulate fans. There is a welfare nature of early childhood education .If early childhood lack of government protection policy may not be good for children. Because the government is leading a “Quasi-market” policy, “Private Preschools” are operating on a footing of unequal competition. “Private Preschools” can learn the case study to create thinking education as the core of marketing values, establish a good reputation, conform to social changes, develop marketing strategies, combined with science and technology network to promote teaching philosophy.


