  • 學位論文


Article:An Analysis of the Information Warfare engaged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) - A Case Study on the Cyber Army of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

指導教授 : 黃介正


21世紀是資訊科技遂行非武力戰爭的時代,也是資訊戰理論研究的巔峰時期,中共從兩次波灣戰爭高科技作戰成功經驗體認到,戰爭受到高技術條件或資訊條件下的影響,已無法改變。2017年中共19大報告指出,中國將從「網路大國」,轉型成「網路強國」,在在說明中共軍事變革將以資訊技術為核心的現代高技術迅速發展。 由中共「中國的軍事戰略」的白皮書可以看出,為貫徹新形勢下軍事戰略方針,並在新形勢下的强軍目標,以國家核心安全需求爲導向,著眼建設網路信息化軍隊、打贏網路信息化戰爭,且增强網路信息系統的體系作戰能力,運用網路信息系統把各種作戰力量、單元、要素融合集成爲整體作戰能力,逐步構建自主協同的一體化聯合作戰體系。 本文整理現有的書籍、專書及蒐集現有的網路資源,以「中共網軍」及「戰略支援部隊」為研究的對象,分析其發展現況情勢,並提供我新成立資通電軍指揮部相關影響與建議參考,此為本文之研究重點。


The 21st century signifies the era where information technologies are used in non-force wars and the research on the theory of information warfare also reaches the peak in this period. From the experience of success in the Gulf War based on high technologies, the CCP realized that the war has been irreversibly affected by high technologies and information. According to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017, China will transform itself from an "Cyber power"into an"Cyber superpower," which demonstrates that the rapid military transformation initiated by the Chinese Communist Party will bring about rapid development of modern high technologies with the information technology as the core. According to the Defense White Paper of "China's Military Strategy," in order to carry out the military strategic plans, strengthen its military forces under the new situation, and serve the core needs for national security, China should focus on building an information-based military network to win the information war and enhance the system combat capability of the network information system. The network information system shall integrate all kinds of combat forces, units and elements into the overall combat capability and gradually build an integrated, autonomous and synergetic system for joint operations. monographs and internet resources to study on "Cyber force" and the "Strategic Support Forces," analyze their development situations, and provide suggestions for Taiwan′s newly established Command of the Information, Communication Electronic Warfare Force in terms of the research highlights. Keywords: Cyber Force, Strategic Support Forces, Command of the Information, Communication Electronic Warfare Force


