  • 學位論文


Blockchain Application in Insurance - A Study of Travel Inconvenient Insurance

指導教授 : 田峻吉


在現今,金融科技已顯然為一種趨勢,金融科技FINTECH受到金融暨科技領域高度重視,其中包含了P2P的交易、大數據、物聯網、區塊鏈的應用等,在眾多應用服務中,以區塊鏈(BLOCKCHAIN)技術受到各國大型金融機構及國際科技大廠的重視。全球的INSURTECH也越來越佳的蓬勃發展,全球投資資金從2012年的3.26億美金到2017年的21.34億美金。近年來由於旅遊的盛行,自由行及遊學風氣逐年提升,國內、外大眾交通工具意外事故的頻傳,在國外的醫療就醫費用又相當昂貴,因此許多旅客都會選擇購買旅行平安險,減少因為旅行途中發生事故所造成的醫療花費。在購買旅行平安險時,旅客還有一項選擇,為旅行綜合保險,保障內容除了醫療相關費用還包含了,班機延誤、轉降非原定機場、行李失竊、行李遺失、行李延誤等,造成旅遊行程損失的補償。 本研究主要以旅行不便險中的班機延誤為例,探討區塊鏈保險應用,受訪者對於區塊鏈保險的接受程度。本研究透過網路問卷及APP收集受訪者的意見作為分析依據,以學歷為高中(職)者對區塊鏈保險接受程度最高,職業為金融保險業與家管者對區塊鏈保險接受程度最高,較會優先購買有區塊鏈的旅行不便險,職業為金融保險業者對區塊鏈應用於旅行不便險的購買意願也較高。


Nowadays, financial technology has obviously been a trend. Financial technology, called Fintech in the thesis, is highly valued in financial and technological fields including P2P trade, big data, Internet of Things (IoT), the application of blockchain, and so on. Among the applications, blockchain is appreciated highly by major financial institutions and worldly known technology corporations in different countries. Insurtech has also been well developed around the world. From 2012 to 2017, the investment has been raised from US$326 million to US$2.134 billion. In recent years, traffic accidents occurred much more often in both local and foreign countries because people travel and study abroad frequently than before. Since the medical expenditure is very expense in foreign countries, many people tend to purchase travel insurance to decrease the cost of possible accidents during their trip. When buying travel insurance, tourists have an option to add the comprehensive travel insurance which covers flight delay, landing at undesignated airport, stolen baggage, baggage lost and delay, and so on. The purpose of this study is analyzing the application of travel inconvenience insurance with blockchain. This paper attempts to discuss how the questionnaire respondents accept insurance with blockchain. We collect the opinions of the respondents through Internet questionnaires and APP questionnaires. The results show that people from above high school educational background accept insurance with blockchain. Then, people who work in financial and insurance field, and freelance have the more willingness to accept insurance with blockchain. Finally, the people more like to purchase the travel inconvenience insurance have more willingness to purchase the insurance with blockchain.


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