  • 學位論文


The study on the emotional intelligence of the mental health nurses with gestalt play therapy

指導教授 : 楊明磊


台灣地區醫療品質是受到國際的肯定,但在第一線的護理人員離職率仍居高不下,隨著醫療背景及流行病學的複雜度增加,護理職業為高情緒勞務的工作,會影響身心健康,且輪班工作影響人際關係及生活品質,致使工作滿意度及工作意願下降,醫療疏失增加,離職率提高,職場幸福感下降。台灣地區少針對護理人員做介入型研究的討論。 方法:本研究採用平行實驗設計,研究對象為精神科專科醫院執業中的精神科護理人員,以立意取樣分為實驗組與對照組,提供完形遊戲治療團體的介入,共25人,流失率為16%,排除標準為現接受心理相關治療及現接受相關心理治療訓練、中文貝氏憂鬱量表第二版總分高於30分或中文貝氏焦慮量表總分高於19分者。實驗組接受完形遊戲治療團體介入共為四個全天,團體為工作坊形式,兩週一次的一日工作坊團體,一日工作坊含兩次團體,上午及下午,每次團體為2.0小時,共八次團體。實驗組與對照組分別在施行完形遊戲團體治療介入前、第二日團體結束後當日、第四日團體結束後當日、及團體結束後第一個月,追蹤測量其憂鬱情緒,焦慮症狀(生理指標的變化)、情緒智力的變化。研究為使用貝氏憂鬱量表、貝氏焦慮量表、情緒智力量表及腦波測量,取得資料以spss23.0版進行分析。 結果:研究結果發現,研究對象皆經歷醫院評鑑的背景,對照組的焦慮與憂鬱隨著醫療評鑑的背景而分數呈現上升趨勢,在實驗組部分隨著醫療評鑑的背景,其焦慮與憂鬱在團體介入後分數呈現下降趨勢,情緒智力是上升變化的,生理測量腦波是無變化。 結論:本研究看見,在外在壓力的背景下,實驗組可以看到其焦慮與憂鬱分數趨勢變化是下降的,對照組的焦慮與憂慮分數,則反映出個體對於外在壓力背景下的反應,所以提升個體的覺察,可以增進其對於外在環境與壓力的因應。本研究提供完形遊戲治療的介入模式,在增加個體自我覺察時,儘管外在的環境背景或是壓力事件的,情緒智力可以提升,進而協助精神科護理人員的身心狀態與執業照護品質。


Objective: The quality of health care in Taiwan is recognition. Nurses who provided bedside care has higher turnover rate. Clinical care loading become complicated under the situation of increased service coverage. Nursing Occupation is high emotional labor career. Nurses are working on shift-time schedules effects health, relationship and quality of life. The shift-time schedules decrease working satisfaction,working willingness,happiness and increase turnover rate. Taiwan is still lacking in intervention surveys. Methods: The study design was a parallel design study. Participants were recruited using purposive sampling from psychiatry specialist hospitals in Taiwan. The experimental group was made up of 15 volunteers. Another 10 volunteers were assigned as control group. The loss rate was 16%. Experimental group was enrolled gestalt play group therapy. The experimental group was further divided into groups, and 4 times were provided biweekly, for 90 minutes per session, two sessions a day. Both groups were evaluated by questionnaire. Both groups were evaluated by questionnaire before, during and after the group therapy. Questionnaire of this study were Beck Depression Inventory,Beck Anxiety Inventory,WLEIS emotional quotient Inventory. Questionnare of the collection data analysised by spss 23.0 software。 Conclusion: On the hospital accreditation, anxiety and depression scores trend increase of experimental group. The scores anxiety and depression trend decrease of control group. The scores of emotional quotient was Variety.Gestalt play group therapy improve self-awareness and coping on environment.


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