  • 學位論文


The cognition and challenges of different working models for employees

指導教授 : 李培齊


員工能接受的工作模式各有所愛,例如,實體辦公室、遠距工作,與混合工作模式。遠距工作也正在改變過往傳統的工作思維模式,新的工作模式不斷地翻新,企業與員工都應該重新思考,不管選擇哪一種,最合適你的工作模式,也就是最好的模式。本論文採用質性研究分析法,探究員工工作模式與遠距上班在工作表現上的關係,會受到員工人格特質、工作特性、企業文化影響,而有不同的差異。在員工人格特質方面,親和性高、勤勉正直高、外向性高、開放性高的員工,遠距上班之績效表現較佳,自然就會比較偏好遠距上班的模式。工作的工作特性例如變化性低、完整性低、自主性高及回饋性低等適合遠距上班。對於企業文化而言,屬於創新型文化與支持型文化的企業,員工遠距上班較能自主性地完成工作,其工作表現也較佳,因此經理人及員工也比較能接受遠距上班的調度。 本論文建議人力資本是企業永續經營的關鍵,所以如何吸引、留住好的員工,是企業維持競爭力的不二法門。本研究欲了解員工在不同工作模式下,由於工作地點的改變而影響員工的工作表現,因而牽動企業營運目標的達成。


There are different work models that employees are comfortable with, such as brick and mortar offices, teleworking , and hybrid work models. teleworking is also changing the traditional thinking mode of work in the past. New work modes are constantly being renovated. both companies and employees should rethink. no matter which one you choose, the most suitable work mode is the best mode. this paper adopts qualitative research and analysis method to explore the relationship between employees' work mode and teleworking performance, which will be affected by employees, personality traits, job characteristics, and corporate culture, and there are different differences. In terms of employee personality traits, employees with high agreeableness, high conscientiousness, high extroversion, and high openness have better performance in teleworking , and will naturally prefer the teleworking model. some jobs have job characteristics suitable for telework, such as low variability, low task identity, high autonomy, and low feedback. In terms of corporate culture, it is an innovative culture and a supportive culture. employees who work remotely are more able to complete their work autonomously and perform better. therefore, managers and employees are more likely to accept the scheduling of Teleworking. This paper suggests that human capital is the key to the sustainable operation of enterprises, so how to attract and retain good employees is the only way for enterprises to maintain competitiveness. The purpose of this study is to understand that under different work modes, the change of work location affects the work performance of employees, thus affecting the achievement of business goals. According to“TKU Personal Information Management Policy Declaration“, the personal information collected on this form is limited to this application only. This form will be destroyed directly over the deadline of reservations.


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