  • 期刊


Environmental Adult Education Courses Related to Natural Heritage in the Community Universities of Taiwan




The youth are main targets of the UNESCO World Heritage Education Programme and of environmental education in formal education systems worldwide. Comparatively, environmental education specifically for adults is relatively poor in Taiwan. The community university, as one of the non-formal education systems in Taiwan, plays an important role in environmental adult education (EAE) and in heritage education. This study introduces the concepts, approaches and development of environmental adult education worldwide to reflect on adult environmental and heritage education in Taiwan. The study collected courses related to the natural environment in the community universities of Taiwan and analyzed both their course contents and learning styles. Members of the community universities were interviewed, providing their comments about promoting heritage education for adults. Results show that most of the natural environmental courses in the community universities are comprised of lectures with outdoor experiential activities, close to the paradigm of liberal environmental adult education. From the perspective of critical environmental adult education, the courses are short of critiques and actions about the problems of local environmental and heritage degradation, which are induced by social-political structures, legislation and unsustainable lifestyles. As the public activities of protecting our environment and heritage have been progressively developing in Taiwan recently, the importance of critical environmental adult education will increase in the future.


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