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Effects of Irrigation Level on Growth of Rice during Vegetative Growth Stage-Grain Yield and Yield Components


本試驗目的在探討水稻營養生長期,減少灌溉以減少水資源浪費之可行性。試驗分為田間試驗及盆栽試驗兩部分,1992年一、二期作連續在中興大學農場及溫室進行。採裂區設計,以品種為主區,使用稻臺中189號及秈稻臺中秈10號兩品種,以比較品種間對土壤水分張力之反應。副區為水分境況管理,以15 cm深度土壤水分張力處理為副區,分別以0.00 MPa(連續浸水),0.02 MPa及0.04 MPa等三級土壤水分張力,做為灌溉起點。連續兩個期作試驗結果顯示,在水稻營養生長期提高土壤水分張力,使得一期作臺中189號之穗數顯著降低20.7~29.3%,臺中秈10號降低13.9~14.8%;二期作臺中189號之穗數亦顯著降低35.9~38.3%,臺中秈10號則降低14.4~18.9%。因穗數降低,導致一期作臺中189號之稻穀產量顯著降低25%(0.02 MPa之處理)及31%(0.04 MPa),臺中秈10號則兩個高水分張力處理產量均降低17%。二期作臺中189號在0.02及0.04 MPa之處理,產量大幅降低27%,臺中秈10號則在較高土壤水分張力處理並不致於造成產量降低。試驗結果顯示,臺中秈10號可以適應較高之土壤水分張力。


水稻 土壤水分境況 產量


Field and pot experiments were conducted in the first and second crops of 1992 to investigate the effect of soil moisture regime on the growth and quality of two rice cultivars, Taichung 189 and Taichung Sen 10. Three levels of soil moisture tension were practiced by soil-drying to reach 0.02, and 0.04 MPa before next irrigation during vegetative growth stage, while the control (0.00 MPa) group was submerged continuously. Split-plot design was laid out with three replications. Two rice cultivars were used as main plot, and three levels of soil moisture tension as subplot.Experimental results showed that two rice cultivars responded differently to the soil moisture regime. In the first crop, panicle numbers of Taichung 189 were 20.7% and 29.3% (with 0.02 and 0.04 MPa treatments, respectively) less than that of the control (0.00 MPa) group, while Taichung Sen 10 decreased only 13.9% and 14.8% in 0.02 and 0.04 MPa treatments. On the second crop, panicle numbers of Taichung 189 decreased 38.3% and 35.9% in 0.02 and 0.04 MPa treatments, while Taichung Sen 10 showed 14.4% and (0.02 MPa) and 18.9% (0.04 MPa) less than that in the control group. The high soil moisture tension restricted tillering, and decreased yield. In the first crop, yields of Taichung 189 were 25% and 31% (with 0.02 and 0.04 MPa treatments, respectively)less than that of the control (0.00 MPa) group, while Taichung Sen 10 decreased only 17% both in 0.02 and 0.04 MPa treatments. On the second crop, yield of Taichung 189 decreased 27% both in 0.02 and 0.04 MPa treatments, while Taichung Sen 10 were not significantly affected by soil drying. Cultivar Taichung Sen 10 showed a better adaptation to water stress environments.


rice soil moisture regime yield
