  • 期刊


Kid Songs Are the Basic Land of Taiwanese Poetry-Kang Yuan Has Created in-depth Way for Chang-hua Poetics




The Chang-hua's literature and historical literator, Kang Yuan, has been contributed in creating of literatures as his lifelong aspiration. He is so insistent in writing Taiwanese language poems of his literatures are rooted in his homeland's history and culture. From Kang Yuan's literatures especially poetries, readers will be quite frankly to perceive that Kang Yuan and his Chang-hua poetics are tie-in heartily when readers read his literatures from poetics and esthetics perspective by sincerely heart. They will realize that all literatures' sequences of ideas are clear and the contents are touchable, abundant and various. The construct of Chang-hua literature, Kang Yuan has worked hardly on multiple aspects of which he constructs Chang-hua literature in a framework of three dimensions. For instance, his Chang-hua literatures consist of representation and description of figure characteristics, restoration and critic of inflective historical events, observation and description of geography and astronomy, collection and record of local customs and practices of daily commodity, and exploration of points of interest. Of those aspects, Kang Yuan is deeply influenced by his kid songs of creation when he poeticizes events, minds, feelings of any kind in a daily life. As a result, he is not only creating the beauty of harmonized and rhymed verses but he is also puzzling the beauty of educational, sincere, and abundant contents in Chang-hua poetics. Therefore, new Taiwanese poetics are taken and evolved from the root of existing Taiwanese kid songs. This is the reality of history. The kid song-liked poems of Kang Yuan are prototyping the model of new Taiwanese poetic characteristic. It is not in a real order of historical development. It is a fabulous poesy comes across in-depth of absolute realism though. Kang Yuan presents to another possibility of Chang-Hua poetics as he models the framework of Chang-Hua literature with his genuine and sincere heart.


