  • 期刊


The Research for Fulfillment Performance of Improving Irrigation Infrastructure


政府每年於公共建設「加強農田水利建設計畫」(以下稱本計畫)先期作業核列36至40億元左右。由於計畫歷年預算編列顯有不足、部分地區地層下陷防治問題及遭遇天然災害困難未能及時有效解決等問題,以致招致外界質疑其推動成效。 本研究報告為瞭解水利建設計畫執行成效與實際遭遇困難,發掘潛在問題,並提出檢討分析,協助執行機關解決困難問題為目標,同時針對困難問題研擬因應對策,找出評估計畫關鍵績效指標,提出建議辦理事項,以提升執行績效。本研究經由文獻探討、法令分析及實地業務訪談等方法,歸納建立有效推動績效指標,使計畫預算之分配運用更具合理有效,同時調整管考理念與作為。 本研究並參考日本農田水利政策及推動執行之經驗,提出多角化經營之推動(產業用水、水域休閒及景觀)及地下水庫籌建等具體績效指標改進作法,並就實質內容提出前置作業列為年度計畫核定之要件,以關鍵績效指標(key performance index)作為考量整體建議,落實管控,以提升補助計畫執行績效及建設預算之運用效率。




The government appropriates around NT$ 3.6 to 4 billion for the preliminary operations of the public infrastructure ”Enforcement and enhancement irrigation infrastructure” (hereinafter briefed as the Plan) in every year. Due to insufficient annual budget preparation, preventing problems related to partial district ground subsidence and the failure for making immediate solutions for natural disasters. The social public thus bear suspicion toward the efficiency of such infrastructure. This research aims at 1. Analyzing the fulfillment efficiency of the irrigation infrastructure, and 2. The practical difficulties confronted by the such infrastructure, and 3. Discovering potential problems and 4. Submitting reviews and analysis, and 5. Targeting on assisting execution institutes to solve problems, and 6. Devising counteracting solutions for problems and 7. Designing key performance indicators for evaluating public infrastructures and 8. Offering suggested proposals for enhancing fulfillment efficiency. This research organizes and establishes efficient fulfillment performance indicators to make the budget allocation and employment of the infrastructure to be more reasonable and efficient. It also adjusts management, and examination fulfillment principles and behaviors simultaneously. This research also takes into considerations of the Japanese irrigation policies, promotions, fulfillment experiences and also submits the promotion for diversified management (water for industrial use, waterways domains for recreation and landscape). Such significant improving performance indicator proposals as building underground water reservoirs. In this research, preliminary operation proposals are also submitted as the requirements for annually approved plans upon practical contents. Key Performance Indexes are used as the considerations for overall suggestions so that management and auditing can be fulfilled efficiently and fulfillment performance of subsidy plans and employment efficiency of irrigation infrastructure can be improved.


irrigation infrastructure


