  • 期刊


Transition and Development: Taiwan Agenda 21-Vision nod Strategies for National Sustainable Development


在台灣發展的歷程中,因為過度重視經濟開發,忽略環境保護與資源保育,使得自然生態急遽惡化。面對全球環境議題的衝擊,以及台灣環境意識的興起,對於永續發展的追求日益受到重視,而制訂「台灣21世紀議程-國家永續發展願景與策略綱領」則是其中重要的一環。面對這份牽涉永續台灣規劃與管理的文件,究竟應該用什麼角度去看待與詮釋?而該項策略綱領與永續台灣的轉型與發展關係為何? 本文依循全球趨勢與在地制度建構途徑,分別探討該項策略綱領與國際間的關係,及其在臺灣永續制度中所扮演的角色。由於該策略綱領將永續發展從單純環境議題延伸到社會與經濟面向,本文檢視該項策略綱領在追求永續環境、社會發展與環境轉型的思維。 從全球趨勢上,本文認為策略綱領延續21世紀議程的思維,轉換為適合台灣的策略。在在地制度建構上,台灣透過政策面、組織面與資訊面推動永續制度,而策略綱領則在政策面中,提供台灣規劃永續願景的藍圖。


The essay mainly emphasizes the relationship between Taiwan Agenda 21 and transitions of sustainable issues. Because Taiwan overemphasized the role of economic development, we highly ignored the necessities of environment issues. As the rising of global sustainable issues and local environment awareness, Taiwan gradually pay more attention on the pursuit of environment protection and the natural resources conservation; moreover Taiwan’s government and society has been cooperated to formulate lots of relevant environmental policies and laws. As one of the key environment declarations, Taiwan Agenda 21 not only follows the spirit of Agenda 21 and relevant United Nations sustainable documents and declarations, but also describes Taiwan’s environmental vision and strategies. The essay adopts two approaches to review the formulation of Taiwan Agenda 21. On the one hand, the essay discusses the influence of global trend of environment protection; on the other hand, the essay turns focus on the role of sustainable institutions. In the declaration of Taiwan agenda 21, the concepts of sustainable development connect environment dimension and extended social and economic dimensions. Generally speaking, the declaration reminds us that the effects of Taiwan agenda 21 include sustainable environment, economic development and social transition. As these dimensions have same critical roles, it is impossible for us the neglect each one. Furthermore, if we wish to improve this dimension, we must strengthen our environmental institutional capacity building. The current sustainable institutions of Taiwan are constituted through policy, organization, and information branches. In these branches, the declaration of Taiwan Agenda 21 describe a blueprint to guide the road to sustainability.


