  • 期刊


Survey for Smoking Prohibitation in International Airlines


國際民航組織(ICAO)要求世界各國於1996年7月起,國際航線全面禁煙。目前加拿大航空及達美航空均已全面禁煙,且美國政府預估於年底前國際線禁菸。爲因應世界潮流,更保障旅客健康與飛行安全,航醫中心與董氏基金會,共同倡導業界提早一年,率先達成全面禁菸目標,以維我國家形象。 航醫中心於今年年初,七次赴中正國際機場實施問卷調查,以瞭解航空旅客對禁菸之態度,共計收取2059人資料,華航1481人(72%)、長榮578人(28%)。以航線分洛杉磯線863人(42%)、夏威夷、舊金山線466人(22%)、日本線730人(36%)。 搭機者男女性別此約2:1。年齡在25~64歲間佔了八成。夏威夷舊金山線、洛杉磯線抽菸比例分別爲22%、26%,而日本線則偏高43%。抽菸旅客男性佔四成,女性佔一成,且抽煙族群有年輕化的趨勢。在飛往美國航線的抽煙者而言,半數劃位時會選擇非吸煙區,而日本線僅達三分之一。抽煙者對提供戒菸口香糖嚼片,一般反應良好;即使不抽煙旅客,約近半數亦贊成提供尼古丁口香糖,以維持客艙空氣品質之清新。


二手菸 禁菸 戒菸口香糖


International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requests that starting from 1st July 1996, the world's international airlines must fully prohibit smoking. At present the Canadian and Delta Airlines fully prohibit smoking, and the American Government estimate that before the end of this year, all the international airlines will prohibit smoking. Because of the world's trend, more emphasis is on the protection of passenger's health and safety. Civil Aviation Medical Center and John Tung's Foundation meeting, together advocate the business one year earlier, in order to first reach the aim of smoking prohibition, for safeguarding our country's image. In the beginning of this year, the aviation medical center went seven times to C.K.S. international airport for questionnaire investigation, for understanding the passengers attitudes towards smoking prohibition. Collected 2,059 passenger's information, from China Airlines 1,481 people (72%), Evergreen 578 people (28%). According to flight lines, Los Angeles line 863 people (42%), Hawaii, San Francisco line 466 people (22%), Japan lines 730 people (36%). The rate of male and female boarding the plane is about 2:1. Age between 25 to 64 yrs occupy 80%, the smoking rate for Hawaii and San Francisco line is 22%, Los Angeles line 26%, and Japan line reach to a high rate of 43%. Male smoking passengers occupy 40%, female 10%, and smokers are young trend. As for the smokers who fly the American line, most of them choose non smoking area in selecting their seats, and the Japanese line only reach 1/3rd. The response of the smokers towards providing nicotine chewing gum that quits smoking is quite good; as for non smoking passengers, most of them agree provision of nicotine chewing gum, for maintaining good, clean and fresh air quality in the passenger's cabin.


