  • 期刊


The Ontological Contextualization on Text as a Method of Philosophical Counseling


本論文擬向西方哲學的史脈與特殊的處理存有的方法作為研究哲學諮商的進路。西洋哲學自希臘時期開始一直有以形上學(Metaphysics)研究事物的存有(Being)面向的基礎,這種理念在當代哲學詮釋學的建立後,透過海德格(Martin Heidegger),閉展出存有學(Ontology)的基礎研究,進而替人類提供了針對存有者(being)與存有的在世界性與語言性,時間性等重要的思考路線。本文將針對此種存有學的面向,可否為哲學諮商(Philosophical Counseling)提供基礎方法論進行研究。由於法國詮釋學家呂格爾(Paul Ricoeur)提出一種文本與論述的研究,本文將試圖由存有學處理文本內的論述,以期揭露隱匿的論述,進而期盼為當代哲學的實際應用進行方法論的研究。哲學諮商是一種以哲學基礎的方法經營諮商的所有人事時地物等的脈絡與關係的一種哲學實踐。透過西洋哲學的歷史與脈絡(context),本文擬由存有學的面向,呈現如何以詮釋學家呂格爾(Paul Ricoeur)的由文本到行動對文本(text)與論述(discourse)的關係,文本是任何一個被書寫固定下來的論述。哲學諮商應由受諮商者提供的文本中,透過對話(dialogue)做一種個別針對個案的輔導。哲學應給予人哲學的動力,使哲學的辯證(dialectic)的過程:由正論(thesis)到反論(antithesis)到綜論(synthesis),得以在一段諮商的過程後,呈現在受諮商者的思想內。我們亦可以主張,哲學的形上學可以使人看見實現後可能有的潛能,存有學則對此存有的世界觀有所連接,存有學的文本脈絡式的哲學諮商可以使諮商者看見案主在文本中以書寫隱藏的一種可能連他/她自己都不清楚的論述。存有學的哲學諮商使論述被再次轉變與彰顯。


存有學 文本 脈絡 論述 呂格爾 海德格


This paper wants to try to study the approacches between the Western historical contextualization on Ontological method and Philosophical counseling. Western philosophy works since Greek time the Metahpysical basis of studing things through Being. This idea was established right after the beginning of Hermeneutics, through Martin Heidegger, there is a basis on the study of Ontology. The study provides for human beings the answer about being and Being, especially on Being, Woridness, language, and temporality, etc. important routes of thinking. This paper will focus on this approach, and question if this approach may provide philosophical counseling a basic methodology. Because French philosopher, Paul Ricoeur proposes a kind of study on text and discourse, the paper will also try to link the possibility of how to study the ontological approach on the discourse inside text. In order to manisfest the invisible discourse. By this way, we plan to establish a method of contemporary philosophical application on the methodology. Philosophical counseling is a way of doing philosophy by people and things, through the history of Western philosophy and the context inside the history, this paper plans to do from Ontology in order to demostrate Paul Ricoeur's thoughts on text and discourse in From Text to Action, text is a discouse to be fixed by writing. Philosophical should provide people the philosophical power. By making dialectic possible, through thesis, anti-thesis, syn-thesis, after a period of counseling, the thought that is presented in the counseling. We may also support that Metaphysics in philosophy can make people observe potency in act, ontology then makes this world-view on Being to be connected together, the Ontological contextualization can make philosophical counseling to be possible to see agents invisible new discourse. A kind of discourse that even he or she does not know clearly about it before the counseling. The ontologically philosophical counseling makes discourse to be transformed and manifested.


ontology text context discourse Ricoeur Heidegger
