  • 期刊


A Survey Study of Elementary School Students' Images of Scientists: An Example of Elementary School Students in Pingtung County


本研究目的在於了解國小學童之科學家意象,以自行發展的「國小學童對科學家的意象問卷」,以立意取樣方式對屏東縣某國小五年級學童218 人進行問卷調查。本研究並根據學童問卷的反應,編製晤談綱要,從中篩選出12 位學生進行個別晤談,將所得研究資料進行分析及討論,以深入了解學童所持之科學家意象。研究結果顯示學童所畫的科學家在性別表現上有顯著的差異性,且仍保有科學家「穿實驗衣」、「戴眼鏡」、以及「科學家是男性」的刻板印象。學童所知道科學家會做的事,包括發現新事物、觀察自然現象、實驗與研究、發明新產品等;而且學童較多從「對科學工作的認知」及「個人的興趣與願望」兩個向度來表達自己是否想要成爲科學家的意願。本研究據此建議在國小「自然與生活科技」領域課程與教學中融入一些科學史與科學家故事教材,以增加學童對科學家的正向認識,並增進學童科學學習興趣。


The purpose of this study was to understand the elementary school students' images of scientists. We developed instrument ”Questionnaire of Elementary School Students' Images of Scientists” and picked up 218 the fifth graders as the purposive sampling in Pingtung County. According to these students' responses to the questionnaire, we first drew up the ”interview guide” and then interviewed twelve students. Finally, we analyzed and discussed these data so as to investigate the Students' images of scientists. The major findings were as follows: (1) A significant difference existed between the genders of scientists that the students drew. (2) Students still kept some traditional images of scientists. The images included that ”scientists usually wear experiment suits and glasses” and also included that ”scientists are male”. (3) Students knew that scientists can do many things such as discovering new phenomena, inventing new products, and observing natural phenomena, experiment and study etc. (4) Students tended to express their wills of scientists from two aspects; one is from their knowledge of science work and the other is from their personal interest and wish. Based on these findings, we suggested that the history of science and the story of scientists can be involved in the science and technology curriculum, so as to increase students' positive images of scientists and interest of science learning.


