  • 期刊


The Feasility of Using China-fir Particles as Furnish in a Particleboard Mill



本研究計畫係探討能否以省産小徑杉木或進口麻六甲合歡所製之粒片,與粒片板廠所使用之廢料粒片混合製板,藉降低板比重及含膠率等因素,以達到改善國産粒片板品質之目的,進而探討是否能爲省産疏伐杉木謀求合理之用途及市場。 試驗方法係將杉木片或麻六甲合歡粒片,與廢料粒片混合使用,以降低板比重(0.65、0.60、0.55、0.5)與含膠率(9%、8%、7%)等因素製造單層均質粒片板。同時在本研究所探討之品質改善,係著重於內聚力,並以比重0.70、含膠率10.5%廢料位片板之內聚力,作為基準。 研究結果顯示杉木粒片與麻六甲合歡粒片對降低國産粒片板之比重與合膠率,均可獲得良好之效果。建議條件為30%之重量比摻入廢料粒片中,製造比重0.66、含膠9%之混合粒片板。然而,從成本分析來看,麻六甲合歡粒片可降低原料成本,杉木粒片則否,此乃因杉木價格較進口麻六甲合歡高出甚多。因此,尚且不論杉木供應來源是否俱可靠性,僅就成本因素的考慮,以小徑杉木作爲粒片板之部分原料,在短期內尚不俱可行性。


杉木 粒片板 原料


The objective of this project is to study whether by mixing the particles either made from locally grown Ching-fir or from import Malacca albizzia into the traditionally used sawmill-waste furnish can make better quality particleboards than the 100% sawmill-waste particleboard, however, still maintaining the material cost within limit. The mixing of pure particles into sawmill-waste particles was by weight in three different levels, i.e. 15%, 30%, and 50%. The experimental works also included varying the specific gravity of the particleboards (0.65, 0.60, 0.55, 0.50) being made, as well as varying the resin content (10.5%, 9%, 8 %, 7 %) in the particleboards. The internal-bond strength of the particleboards was used as the measurement for board quality. With the oven-dried China-fir particles priced at NT$ 4,000/ton, and Malacca albizzia particles at NT$ 2,200/ton, the study showed that by mixing of Malacca albizzia particles into sawmill-wate furnish to make particleboard, both the specific gravity and the resin content of the board be reduced, but not at the expense of the board quality and material cost, The study also revealed that mixing China-fir particles into sawmill-waste furnish to make particleboard was also acceptible in board quality, not but economically feasible.


China-fir Particles Furnish
