  • 期刊


Desmoid Tumor of the Neck-Review of Literature and Report of a Case


Desmoid tumor是一種頗爲特殊的疾病,它在病理上雖是良性瘤,但在臨床上卻相當具有侵犯性和高度的再發率,甚至因而導致死亡。本文報告一位年僅8歲的病例,經外科切除後,追蹤9個月,迄今無再發跡象。desmoid tumor與外傷或Gardner's syndrome可能有關聯,而且經常併有鄰近骨質的異常。它的治療方式也有頗多爭議,而高度的再發率更提醒我們密切的術後追蹤是很重要的。


Desmoid tumor is derived from musculoaponeurotic origin. Histo-logically it consists of interwining bundles of spindle cells in a collagen matrix, with normal mitosis and does not metastasize. Clinically, however, it is infiltrative and tends to recur locally. A case of demoid tumor in the neck of an eight-year-old boy was reported. He was presented with the chief complaint of a painless, firm swelling over the left mandibular angle regior for one month. The mass was found attach to the inferior border of the left mandibular angle. CT scan showed a well-defined homogenous mass with calcified spur near the mandibular angle. Microscopic findings from incisional biopsy were poor-defined tumor margin and bundles of spindle cells in a collagen matrix. The pathologic report was desmoid tumor. Under general anesthesia, the tumor was completely excised and the bone surface was trimmed and smoothened. After a follow-up period of nine months, no recurrence was noted.


desmoid tumor Gardner's syndrome
