

淋巴瘤在頭頸部的腫瘤中雖非不常見,但其病徵經常只是不明原因的腫脹,所以常會造成診斷上的困擾。淋巴瘤在頭頸部區域常發生於瓦爾代厄環(Waldeyer's ring)及副鼻竇(paranasal sinus)。因此若在此區域發生不明腫脹而口腔內無其他病徵時,淋巴瘤為可能的診斷之一。淋巴瘤在細胞組織學上分為霍奇金氏疾病(Hodgkin's disease)及非霍奇金氏淋巴瘤(Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma),根據細胞來源,又可分為B細胞淋巴瘤及T細胞淋巴瘤。頸部淋巴瘤的診斷,雖然可以針吸式活體組織檢查(needle aspiration)來做診斷,但由於無法做出正確的分期,治療計劃亦難以擬定,所以活體切片(biopsy)為較好的診斷方法。淋巴瘤的治療方式,以化學治療為主,輔以放射線治療。


淋巴瘤 頸部腫瘤


It is not uncommon for a lymphoma to occur as a head and neck tumor, but the clinical presentation is usually only as an asymptomatic nodule or mass. So it is difficult to make a diagnosis in theses cases. Lymphomas of the head and neck usually occur in Waldeyer's ring and the paranasal sinus. When a mass or swelling of unknown origin without other signs in the head and neck is found, a lymphoma is 1 possible diagnosis. Lymphomas are divided into Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. According to cell origin, lymphomas can be divided into B-cell and T-cell lymphomas. Diagnosis of a neck lymphoma is possible by needle biopsy, but because the amount of the specimen is too small, staging of the lymphoma cannot be accomplished. A biopsy is a better diagnostic method than needle biopsy. The treatment for a lymphoma is chemotherapy combined with adjunct radiotherapy.


lymphoma neck mass

