  • 期刊


Users Landscape Perception and Preference for Tamshui Mass Rapid Transit Corridor


本研究是希望了解淡水捷運線使用者在旅運過程中,對車窗外沿線景觀的環境屬性知覺與視覺景觀偏好情形。研究目的在探討:(1)使用者的環境屬性知覺對其視覺景觀偏好的影響,及(2)使用者個人特性對其視覺景觀偏好的影響,並進一步探討(3)使用者個人特性對其環境屬性知覺的影響。其中環境屬性知覺包括自然性、複雜性、開闊性、和諧性、獨特性、神祕性、生動性及維護管理完善性等八項屬性:個人特性包括個人社經特性、過去旅運經驗及景觀熟悉程度。經統計分析後,主要研究結果如下: 一、個人社經特性、過去旅運經驗及景觀熟悉程度會影響使用者對某些環境屬性的知覺程度。 二、個人社經特性及過去旅運經驗並不會影響使用者對沿線景觀的視覺景觀偏好,但景觀熟悉程度對使用者視覺景觀偏好有正向的影響。 三、複雜性、生動性、開闊性、自然性、獨特性、和諧性、維護管理完善性及神秘性等八項環境屬性的知覺程度對使用者視覺景觀偏好有正向的影響。 四、由環境屬性知覺爲自變項的迴歸預測模式得知,生動性、複雜性、開闊性、和諧性、自然性及維護管理完善性等六項環境屬性爲有效的偏好預測指標。此外,個人特性中景觀熟悉度也是有效的偏好預測指標。


This study tried to learn more about Tamshui MRT users' environmental perceptions acquired from viewing the scenery within the Tamshui MRT trains and Tumshui MRT users' visual preference on the view from within the Tamshui MRT trains. The specific purposes of this article were to study: (1) the relation between the environmental perceptions of the users and their visual preferences, (2) the influence of the users' personal characteristics on their visual landscape preferences, and (3) the influence of the users' personal characteristics on their environmental perceptions. The environmental perceptions discussed in this article include eight attributes: naturalness, complexity, openness, harmony, uniqueness, mystery, vividness, and degree of well-kept. The concerned personal characteristics contain three categories: socio-economic background of the users, their pant MRT experiences, and their familiarity with the scenery of Tamshui MRT. The main findings are summarized us followed: 1. Users' personal socio-economic backgrounds, past experience, and familiarity are significantly correlated with some environmental perceptions. 2. Users' personal socio-economic background and past experience make no difference on users' visual preference, but familiarity bus significant positive influences. 3. Complexity, vividness, openness, naturalness, uniqueness, harmony, degree of well-kept and my stery have significant positive influences on visual preference. 4. With environmental perceptions as explanatory variables of the visual preference predicting model, vividness, complexity, openness, harmony, naturalness and degree of welt-kept are significant predictors. When personal characteristics were included us explanatory variables, only familiarity is significant.


