本研究目的在了解一般大學生在生涯發展過程中所知覺到的生涯阻礙情形。研究工具為開放式「生涯阻礙因素問卷」。研究樣本為南部地區三所大學150名學生。所得資料經整理後共得1668項反應。研究者進一步將受試者的反應歸為三大類,分別為社會/人際、態度、及互動/背景三方面的阻擾(Swanson & Tokar,1991a)。歸類結果,以三個類別及五項主題為受試者內因素,以性別為受試者間因素,進行三因子(2性別x 3類別x 5主題)重複量數多變項變異數分析,發現阻礙因素類別與主題之間有顯著之交互作用,受試者對生涯阻礙的知覺因不同主題而感受到不同類別的阻礙因素,性別與阻礙類別兩變項之間的交互作用亦達顯著水準。
The purpose of the study was to examine the types of career-related barriers perceived by college students in Taiwan. One hundred and fifty students (53 males and 97 females) responded to a free-response instrument containing five questions related to career problems. The resultant responses (N=1668) were sorted into three categories within each question. Those three categories were social/interpersonal, attitudinal, and interactional types of barriers proposed by Swanson and Tokar (1991). A 2 (gender) x 3 (category) x 5 (topic) repeated-measure MANOVA was conducted and the results indicated significant topic by category difference. The within-subject main effect for topic and for category were also significant. Students perceived more barriers in the topics of choosing a major and seeking for a job than in other questions. Interactional barriers were more frequently perceived by the subjects than social/interpersonal barriers, which in turn were more frequently perceived than attitudinal barriers. However, the between-subject main effect for gender was not significant.