  • 期刊

Study on Mechanical Properties of Silicon Oxide Gas Barrier Layer Deposited onto Flexible Plastic Substrates



本研究以四甲基矽烷-氧氣混合氣體、利用電漿增強化學氣相沉積法,在可撓式塑膠基板上沉積氧化矽氣體阻障層,探討此結構經過撓曲測試後的機械特性。研究中,利用原子力顯微鏡以及場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡量測,了解薄膜在張應變與壓應變下的破壞機制。研究結果顯示,在可撓式塑膠基板沉積300 nm厚度氧化矽氣體阻障層後,於曲率半徑達12.5 mm的壓應變條件下,薄膜的阻障能力並沒有顯著改變,然而,當此薄膜在曲率半徑小於15 mm的張應變條件下撓曲時,薄膜表面將產生裂紋並導致氣體阻障能力下降。此外,研究結果亦顯示,該氧化矽氣體阻障層沉積在可撓式塑膠基板上,經過曲率半徑為20 mm的週期性撓曲 測試1000次後,整體的水氣滲透率並沒有變化。


A silicon oxide (SiOx) gas barrier layer prepared by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) using tetramethysilane-oxygen gas mixture was deposited onto flexible plastic substrate. The mechanical properties of the gas barrier layer deposited onto flexible plastic substrate after bending test were discussed. The failure mechanisms of the SiOx barrier layer under tensile and compressive strain were demonstrated from AFM, FE-SEM measurements. It was found that the barrier property of the 300 nm-thick SiOx layer had no significant change under the compressive strain with a curvature of 12.5 mm, whereas the crack initiation that degraded the barrier property appeared in the SiOx film surface under the tensile strain with a curvature less than 15 mm. In addition, the water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) of the SiOx barrier layer coated onto the flexible plastic substrate was unchanged after cyclic bending test of 1000 times at a curvature of 20 mm.
