  • 期刊


The effect of plyometric training with different loadings on leg muscle mass, jump performance, lower limb muscular strength and sprint speed


緒論:增強式訓練以預先伸展的方式,透過快速的離心及向心收縮產生快而有力的動作,可有效增進肌力及爆發力的表現。雖然過去研究證實增強式訓練對運動表現的效益,然而,增強式訓練結合不同負重的差異仍不清楚,因此本研究之目的為比較8 週不同負重增強式訓練對腿部肌肉量、跳躍表現、下肢肌力及速度之影響。方法:以中國文化大學29 名一般男性大學生為研究對象,隨機分為高負重增強式訓練組 (plyometric training with high loading, PHL, 體重20%)、低負重增強式訓練組 (plyometric training with low loading, PLL, 體重10%) 及控制組 (control, CON),進行8 週訓練,每週3 次,每次40-60 分鐘,以負重背心增加其負荷,於訓練前、後進行各項生理檢測。所得資料以混合設計二因子變異數分析,比較不同負重增強式訓練介入對腿部肌肉量、跳躍表現、肌力表現及衝刺時間之差異情形。結果:PHL 組的腿部肌肉量顯著增加;各組肌酸激酶(creatine kinase, CK) 皆無顯著變化;在20 m 衝刺表現各組皆有顯著進步;等速肌力表現中,PHL 組在60°.s^(-1) 及180°.s^(-1) 之力矩峰值皆有顯著進步,PLL 組只在180°.s^(-1) 有顯著進步,且顯著優於CON 組,另外,達到力矩峰值時間只有PHL 組在60°.s^(-1) 有顯著增進;原地擺臂垂直跳、跨步擺臂垂直跳及落地垂直跳的跳躍高度在PHL 組及PLL 組皆有顯著進步。結論:PHL 組及PLL 組在跳躍表現、等速肌力及20 m 衝刺皆有顯著進步,而腿部肌肉量只有PHL 組有顯著進步。


Introduction: The plyometric training producing a fast and powerful movement through concentric contraction and eccentric contraction. Although the past studies confirmed the benefits of plyometric training on exercise performance, but the difference about plyometric training combined with different loadings still unclear. The purpose of this study was to compare the 8 weeks plyometric training with different loadings on leg muscle mass, jump performance, lower limb muscular strength and speed. Methods: 29 untrained Chinese Culture University students for the study, they were randomly divided into plyometric training with high loading group (PHL, 20% body weight), plyometric training with low loading group (PLL, 10% body weight) and control group (CON). The training was 40-60 minutes each time, 3 days per week for 8 weeks. Increase the weight using the weight vest, and the physiological examination was before and after the training. Data were analyzed by using mixed design of two-way ANOVA to test the difference within different loadings groups on leg muscle mass, jump performance, muscular strength performance and sprint time. Results: The muscle mass increased significantly in PHL group; The CK was not significant changed in all groups ; The 20 m sprint were significant progress in all groups; In the isokinetic strength performance, the peak torque of 60°.s^(-1) and 180°.s^(-1) were increased significantly in PHL group, and the PLL group only at angular velocity 180°.s^(-1). And there were significant improved than CON group. In addition, the time to peak torque of 60°.s^(-1) was increased significantly in PHL group; The counter movement jump, strides jump and drop jump were increased significantly in PHL and PLL groups. Conclusion: In PHL and PLL groups, the jump performance, isokinetic muscular strength and 20 m sprint were increased significantly. And the leg muscle mass was only increased significantly in PHL group.




