  • 期刊


The effects of exercise on Tower of London task: Literature review and future perspective


近代統合分析已表示健身運動與認知功能間呈現正向之關聯,其中以高階認知功能所屬之執行功能效益尤佳。然由於執行功能作業繁多,可能造成研究者在擇選上有困難,專家建議以神經心理作業進行量測為優先選擇。為此,本文嘗試瞭解健身運動與執行功能之關聯,將以倫敦塔作業(Tower of London, TOL)為主軸,回顧TOL作業之簡介、TOL作業在科學研究之應用,再整理近代有關健身運動與TOL作業之相關研究進行討論。經回顧後發現,TOL作業在神經科學議題上已廣泛使用,甚至應用於特殊族群之探討。此外,過去研究指出年齡與教育水平可能是TOL作業之調節因子,然對於性別則影響層面較小。在健身運動議題上,研究發現急性健身運動對TOL作業有立即與延續效益。中或高強度之長期健身運動可增進TOL作業表現,該效益不僅在正常族群上得到支持,甚至延伸至注意力不足症候群之孩童族群。本文建議後續研究可考量不同健身運動型態、不同族群、或者結合認知神經科學儀器等取向進行探討。


Recent meta-analysis has indicated that a positive relationship between exercise and cognitive function, especially in high-order cognitive function such as executive function. However, it is difficult to choice executive function, thus some experts suggested that neuropsychological assessments are priority option. Therefore, the review attempted to understand the relationship between exercise and executive function in Tower of London task (TOL). The context of this review included the introduction of TOL task, combining TOL task with neurological techniques, and recent studies about the effects of exercise on TOL task. We found that previous studies have broadly applied TOL task into the neurological field. Variables of age and education might be moderators for TOL task but gender. In exercise issue, past studies found acute exercise has the immediate and sustained effect on TOL task. Furthermore, chronic exercise at moderate and vigorous intensity benefit performance of TOL task and the positive effects also extend on special populations such as children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Finally, the review suggested that exercise types, populations, and using neurological techniques will be considered for follow-up studies about exploring the relationship between exercise and TOL task.


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