  • 期刊


Relationships of the Organizational Functions and Goals to the Management Problems of the Provincial Recreational Areas


本研究的主要目的在於探討省級風景遊樂區的管理者對目前主要問題與組織管理功能之關係上,和整體經營績效不佳與經營管理目標間之關係上的認知,以及管理者的認知是否會因其機關類型、職務、年資、學歷或科系背景而具有顯著的差異。研究對象為各省級和縣市政府與風景遊樂區業務有關之43個單位及其411個人員。相研究的主要研究果為: 1.未完全發揮的組織功能與目前省級風景道樂區主要問題間之關係在整體經營績效不佳的問題上,被認為與其相關程度最高的是「市場定位」與遊客滿意度偏低問題,相關程度最高的是「餐飲及商品販賣管理」。與道客人數明顯減少問題相關程度最高的是「遊客服務」。與遊客事故明顯增加問題相關程度最高的是「安全管理」。與現職人員流動頻繁問題相關程度最高的是「工作激勵」。 2.未完全達成的經營管理目標與目前省級風景遊樂區經營績效不佳之相關程度分析依“未完成的經營管理目標與目前經營績效不佳”之相關程度,從106項經營管理目標抽取出四個共同因素,共可解釋55.77%的變異量。 因素一:內、外部公關,活動及實質規劃因素。此因素可解釋的變異量達20.31%為最大。 因素二:員工管理與激勵、服務及績效管理因素。此因素可解釋的變異量達14.99%。 因素三:營運及財務管理因素。此因素可解釋的變異量達13.62%。 因素四:研究發展因素。此因素可解釋的變異量達6.85%。


The major purposes of this study are to investigate the relationships of the Organizational Functions and Goals to the management problems of the Provincial recreational areas, perceived by their managers and employees, and examine whether there exist significant differences between these individual relationships by the characteristics of the managers and employees. The study samples are 411 persons involved in the operation and management of the provincial recreational areas in 43 government units. The major study results are as the following. The operation and management problems are a whole, the low customer satisfaction, the decrease in the number of customers, the increase in the customer accidence, and the high turnover rate of the market positioning function, the sales management function the customer service function, the security management function, and the work motivation function, respectively. According to the relationships of the organizational goals maybe unsatisfactorily attained to the operation and management problems as a whole, the 106 organizational goals are grouped into four destinct common factors by the factor analysis, which can explain almost fifty-six percent of variations. The name of and the percentage of variations explained by each fator are: first, public relation and programming factor (20.31%), second, personnel management factor(14.99%), third, operational and financial factof (13.62%) and, finally, research and development factor(6.85%) significant differences of individual factors are found between institutional types, official ranks, seniority level or educational backgrounds. The managers in charge should recognize and resolve these differences to have better internal communications in order to avoid possible negative impacts resulting from these significant differences between their employees.


