  • 期刊


Applying Intangible Cultural Codes in Product Design Process-Using Taiwanese Religious Proverbs of South Min as an Example


本研究以羅蘭•巴特符號學兩層次序列表意(two orders of signification)系統模式為理論基礎,建構-創新文化商品設計程序。透過探索、分析與實踐三個階段,遂行兩則臺灣閩南鬼神諺語「枵鬼假細膩」及「閻羅注定三更死,絕對無留你過五更」符號意義分析、解碼,以萃取文化符碼表意(表徵、意涵);爾後,將其轉譯為設計要素,且應用於文化商品設計與開發。探索階段以文獻研究法進行視覺符號分析,且透過專家問卷萃取諺語意象語彙。分析階段則依上述符號學系統模式,探究諺語第一層次外延意義及第二層次內涵意義,並適切地將其轉譯為設計要素。最後,委請平面設計師與產品設計師應用設計要素進行實踐階段之圖像意境傳達設計和文化商品設計。而經由實例驗證結果顯示:有形形態視覺符號分析(符號具)與諺語本身外顯意義(符號義)所呈現的第一層次外延意義,可作為平面圖像意境傳達設計之參考依據;而此創作插畫所描繪的具象表徵(符號具)與諺語意象語彙(符號義),則構成第二層次內涵意義,提供商品設計師以為構思發想來源。此乃有助於落實臺灣文化創意產業的推行,以收成效。


This study aims to convert intangible culture into cultural codes based on the ”two orders of signification” theory of semiotics proposed by Roland Barthes, in an innovative product design process. In terms of three research phases including exploration, analysis, and implementation, two Taiwanese religious proverbs of South Min are analyzed and decoded to extract the cultural codes (signifiers and signifieds). After that, these codes are transformed into design elements for cultural product design. In exploration phase, visual meanings of tangible images were first specified by archival research method, followed by extracting image vocabularies of proverbs with expert questionnaire. In analysis phase, first-level denotations and second-level connotations were explored according to the above-stated theory, and then translated into design elements. Finally, graphic designers and product designers were commissioned by applying design elements to complete graphic illustrations and cultural products in implementation phase. The empirical examples illustrate that the visual images of physical form (signifiers) and explicit meanings of proverbs (signifieds) present the first-level denotations, which really benefit the creation of illustrations. Graphic illustrations depicted in accordance with physical representations (signifiers) and image vocabularies of proverbs (signifieds) will constitute the second level connotations, which are also substantially valuable for cultural product design.This study aims to convert intangible culture into cultural codes based on the ”two orders of signification” theory of semiotics proposed by Roland Barthes, with an innovative product design process. In terms of three research phases including exploration, analysis, and implementation, two Taiwanese religious proverbs of South Min are analyzed and decoded to extract the cultural codes (signifiers and signifieds). After that, these codes are transformed into design elements for cultural product design. In exploration phase, we conclude visual meanings of tangible images firstly by archival research method, followed by extracting image vocabularies of proverbs with expert questionnaire. In analysis phase, we explore first-level denotations and second-level connotations according to the above-stated theory, and translate into design elements. Finally, graphic designers and product designers are commissioned by applying design elements to complete graphic illustrations and cultural products in implementation phase. The empirical examples illustrate that the visual images of physical form (signifiers) and explicit meanings of proverbs (signifieds) present the first-level denotations, which really benefit the creation of illustrations. Graphic illustrations depict in accordance with physical representations (signifiers) and image vocabularies of proverbs (signifieds) will constitute the second level connotations, which are also substantially valuable for cultural product design.


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