  • 期刊

Using The Internet as a Tool for Discourse among Educators



This paper examines the use of the Internet, particularly online discussion forums, as a means of promoting discourse among educators. Internet forums offer key advantages for promoting discourse including: accessibility, flexibility, equitable participation, and storage of exchanges for reflection and response. Quantitative and qualitative methods are used to examine the discourse generated as part of: (1) an online course, and (2) a teacher professional development project. Some results were disappointing. Maintenance of consistent participation was difficult. In the online course, participation peaked early but declined toward the end of the course, and, in the professional development project, overall participation levels fell below expectations. In addition, reflective dialog was difficult to obtain in the professional development project. However, other results were promising. Most participants readily adapted to the technology. The online course yielded extensive, in-depth dialog about course, topics. In the professional development project, common problems successfully stimulated discussions about the classroom, and teacher educators successfully promoted dialog and reflection through focused questions and comments. The positive findings suggest that the Internet has considerable promise as a tool for discourse and community-building among educators.


Internet Education Discourse Community


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