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The Relationships of Trust, Commitment, and the Related Factors: An Empirical Study of the Franchise Systems


快速改變的競爭環境迫使企業必須尋求更有創造力和彈性的手段以因應競爭。許多企業的因應對策是建立和顧客及供應商的合作關係。連鎖加盟便是同行業者間由競爭走向合作,或上下游業者尋求資源依賴,謀求互利的合作方式。加盟總部和加盟者的關係密切,雙方關係是否能有良性發展,乃是加盟體系是否能成功的關鍵因素,然而至今仍相當缺乏適合於連鎖加盟體系的關係行銷模式,因此本研究以關係行銷的兩大概念:信任與承諾為主軸,並探討其相關因素,以整合成完整的信任-承諾關係模式。 本研究的母體是台灣的連鎖體系的加盟者,以立意抽樣取得樣本,並以人員訪問的方式取得481份有效問卷,結構方程模式分析的結果顯示,本研究的模式是有效的,且具有相當高的解釋力。在研究結論上,第一、加盟者由加盟關係得到較好的經濟滿足與非經濟滿足會對加盟總部產生較好的信任,同時情感衝突不利於信任關係,但認知衝突卻不會。第二、若要提升加盟者對加盟總部的承諾,可由三方面著手:加強加盟者對加盟總部的信任,促使加盟者與加盟總部具有共同的目標,提升加盟者對加盟總部的依賴性。第三、具有較高承諾的加盟者,較不會有投機行為,且較會對合作關係進行投資。


加盟 信任 承諾


Promptly changing environment has enforced businesses to seek for more creative and elastic means to face the competition. A useful strategy is to establish a partnership with their customers and suppliers. Franchise systems can be cooperative and can enhance the sharing of resources. The relationship between the franchiser and the franchisee is very intimate. The positive development of the franchise relationship is an important factor for the franchise system's success. However, the model of relationship marketing appropriate to the franchise systems is still very deficient. Therefore, this research chooses trust and commitment, two important concepts in the relationship marketing, as core variables of this research, and also explores their related factors. Finally, we integrate trust, commitment and the related factors to form a comprehensive model of relationship marketing in the franchise systems. The population of this research is the franchisees of the franchise systems in Taiwan. This research adopts the purposive sampling method to sample and acquires 481 valid questionnaires by personal interviews. The results of the structural equation model analysis indicate that the proposed model is valid and has a highly explaining power for the trust construct and the commitment construct. In the conclusions of this research, first, franchisees perceiving better economical satisfaction and non-economical satisfaction from the franchise relationships produce better trust on their franchisers. The affective conflict harms the trust of franchisees on their franchisers but the cognitive conflict does not. Second, to increase the commitment of franchisees to their franchisers, there are three methods could be used: enhancing the trust of franchisees on their franchisers, encouraging the common goal between franchisees and their franchisers, enhancing the dependence of franchisees on their franchisers. Third, franchisees with better commitment tend to have less opportunism and invest more to the cooperative relationships.


Franchise Trust Commitment


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