  • 期刊


Using Importance-Performance Analysis to Develop Teaching Competences in the Junior College Education


本研究主要在於應用重視度表現值分析法(importance-performance analysis, IPA),來評選教師個人教學屬性中,需要改進的輕重緩急次序,以作為優先研究發展改善項目的依據。 為了達成此項目的,本研究係以敏惠醫護管理專科學校的一位數學教師為對象,針對其任教一個學期後的教學屬性,進行185位修課學生的滿意度問卷調查,來取得學生的反應訊息,以計算教學屬性的表現值,而表現值係由全體修課學生對各個教學屬性評估後而獲得的平均值。 雖然問卷調查本身並無設計直接去獲取教學屬性的重視度項目,但本研究透過表現值採用變異數本位法(variance-based method)來間接計算出各個教學屬性的重視度。 如此,即可畫出該位教師個人教學屬性各個項目的「重視度×表現值」之坐標圖,經由坐標位置在分類上的比較分析,可以建議該位教師應優先加強研究改進的教學屬性先後次序為「遲到、早退、調課及缺課」、「教學活動的規劃適切有序」、「能善用比喻、例題、實例激發學生思考及興趣」、「對學生作業及考試結果能提供建設性的改善建議」。


It is important to understand what teaching attributes a teacher will develop or improve in high priority, and what in low priority? Importance-performance analysis (IPA) offers a simple, yet useful method for simultaneously considering both the importance-performance dimensions when evaluating or defining attributes. The study applies IPA to evaluate teaching attributes in a junior college in Taiwan. For above, a mathematics teaching is as an example. In the case study, a student satisfaction questionnaire was surveyed and 185 students were asked to respond. The performance for each attribute in the survey can be computed by the mean value, while the importance for each attribute was evaluated by the variance-based methods. Then, a four-quadrant importance-performance map can be used to offer the teacher and his manager how they develop and improve their teaching attributes.


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