  • 期刊


A Multi-level Analysis of "Hao" in Chinese with Pedagogical Applications




Using Halliday's tripartite met functional model (ideational, textual, and interpersonal functions) as analytical framework, this paper investigates, based on naturally occurring data, the semantic, discourse and pragmatic features of the lexeme hao in Chinese as well as the interconnections among the three linguistic dimensions. First, it examines the part of speech and semantic features of hao. It then explores the discourse feature of hao in terms of cohesion, coherence and information structure within the sentence level. Next, this paper examines the function of hao in terms of conversation structure beyond the sentence level. In complex sentences hao acts as a function word, but in a conversation structure, it changes into a discourse marker, signaling topic transition or closure. On the interpersonal level, the pragmatic functions of hao are differentiated by the context in which it appears. When hao is not carrying its propositional meaning, but is rather marking information as understood by the listener as conversational implicature. In light of relevant pragmatics principles, we can see that the core interpersonal functions of hao is to reclaim speakership, seek agreements, and so on. Next, the study examines the reduplicate form of hao from the perspective of contrastive focus and offers an alternative viewpoint to traditional views. Lastly, based upon results of the multi-level linguistic analysis presented in this paper, some suggestions are offered for improving Chinese language pedagogy.


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