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制度脈絡、外部因素與台灣之「national question」的特殊性:一個理論與經驗的反省





The study of nations and nationalism can be said to be one of the most chaotic fields notorious for theoretical anarchy in the social sciences, Reflecting upon the peculiar case or Taiwan, this paper aims to construct a new framework that is considered theoretically sounder and analytically more powerful, It is found that previous theories and studies concerning nations and nationalism have been characterized by five theoretical tendencies: substantialism, individualism, fundamentalism, societal overemphasis, and Euro- or West-centricism. These theoretical tendencies have not only hampered a full comprehension of nations and nationalism in general. but have also impeded the understanding of Taiwan's nationalist politics in particular. In contrast to each of these tendencies, this article brings up live theoretical theses regarding nations and nationalism, which, in turn, lay the ground for a new analytical framework characterized as "an institutionalist approach with a global perspective." In this approach, nations/nation-states are understood as ensembles of intersecting institutions that can be classified into "civic-territorial" and "enthno-cultural" types. Moreover, the analysis of such institutiuns has to be done at both "national" and "international/global" contextual levels. Thus, a 2×2 analytical framework can be constructed, in which "institutions" and "contextual levels" constitute the two dimensions. Such an analytical frame work can provide a clearer and more comprehensive conceptual map to guide research. In explaining the peculiar case of Taiwan, moreover, it is capable of providing more insights by taking into account both "intrinsic" and "extrinsic" causes of Taiwan's nationalist politics. Such insights, in turn, suggest to us a new direction for further research.


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