  • 學位論文

性、人權與工作 成人性交易規範法制之比較探討

Sex, Human Rights, and Work Comparative Discussion on the Adult Sex Trade Regulations

指導教授 : 陳新民


中文摘要: 西諺有云:「娼妓乃先於人類文明而存在」。從古至今,我們生活周遭中的經驗常會有著男盜女娼及辱罵某些女性淫蕩為娼妓等不雅的口號,娼妓一般而言,社會階層是低下且不堪的,面對這古老又極具爭議的議題,法律上要採取何種態度去管制它?尤其是成人如果是在非他人脅迫暴力下,能否享有選擇以身體來換取金錢的權利?綜觀我國目前法律體系下,似乎除了社會秩序維護法八十條以「不道德」或有礙「社會善良風俗」來處罰外,其他有關法律對其行為往往已預設出只要從是性交易行為,不論是否出於自願,就是一個對社會有害的行為,雖然目前我國刑法上不處罰成人自願性交易行為本身,但卻嚴格將所有有關助長性交易行為與資訊傳播的相關方式以犯罪行為對待! 從憲法上基本人權的保障思想而言,是否有值得檢討之處?於是乎本文的主要想法也在於從成人自願性交易行為的本質,從一個基本人權的思考下審視我國目前關於成人自願性交易行為規範的合憲爭議,並從比較法的觀點檢討不同國家法律規範及執行上的差異,提出我國目前成人性交易法制規範的缺失及謬誤之處,提供未來國家政府部門從根本的人權概念去思考性產業的立法態度及方向。以下就本文章節架構介紹如下: 第一章主要介紹本文研究動機與目的 第二章主要論述從宗教哲學、西方女性主義與現代社會學等觀點的角度指出賣淫行為的爭議性為何?尤其從人權保障的觀點,賣淫行為是否為一種憲法上值得保障並尊重的基本權利,國際間相關的公約規範目的為何?乃至於北市府廢娼政策的幾項論點是否造成人民基本權利的不當干涉。 第三章介紹我國成人性交易管制的法律體系,包含刑事法與行政法在內,並指出現行成人性交易管制在實務所造成的諸多問題,與主要癥結點。 第四章從各國對性交易行為的規範態度與所生問題,比較各國的立法例,尤其以國人熟悉的美國、日本法制上的禁娼取向,對照德國、荷蘭法制的開放管制以及同為華人文化地區的香港與澳門地區,說明各個國家不同方式的立法態度以及做出檢討。 第五章針對現行社會秩序維護法八十條處罰成人性交易本身的合憲性爭議,論證其本法違憲之處。 第六章說明本文研究發現與建議。


Abstract The Westerners said, “Prostitute exist before human civilization.” Since long ago, there have been offensive phrases of “like ruffians and whores” or insulting lascivious women as “prostitutes” in our life. Generally speaking, prostitutes have low social status and are deemed unbearable. Facing this long-standing and controversial issue, what attitude should be adopted by the law to control it? Can adults use body to trade for money voluntarily? Under the current legal system of Taiwan, only Article 80 of the Social Order Maintenance Act stipulated penalty on “immoral” or obstruction to “good social customs”, other laws assume that all sex trade, whether voluntary, is a conduct impairing social orders. Although the Criminal Code of Taiwan does not enforce penalty on voluntary sex trade itself, it treated conducts promoting sex trade and dissemination of such information as criminal behaviors. Should this view be further deliberated based on the thoughts of human rights protection in the Constitution? Therefore, this paper aims to review the constitutional controversy of the regulations on adult voluntary sex trade, based on the nature of voluntary sex trade and the perspective of fundamental human rights. It also analyzes the differences in laws and execution of different countries from a comparative view, and proposes the flaws and falsehoods of the current adult sex trade regulations in Taiwan, in order to provide the governmental bureaus a new legislative attitude and direction on the overall industry from the concept of basic human rights. This paper is organized as follows: Chapter 1 is the research motive and purpose. Chapter 2 points out the controversy of prostitution from the viewpoints of religious philosophy, Western feminism, and modern sociology, and discusses whether prostitution is a basic rights to be protected and respected in constitutions from the viewpoint of human rights protection, the purposes of international conventions, and whether the abolishment of prostitution by the Taipei City Government violated the basic human rights of the people. Chapter 3 introduces the legal system of adult sex trade control in Taiwan, including criminal law and administrative law, and points out the problems of adult sex trade control in actual execution and the legal system, as well as the root causes. Chapter 4 compares the legislation of different countries concerning the regulations and related problems of sex trade, especially the prohibition of prostitution in the US and Japan, open policy in Germany and Holland, and policies in Hong Kong and Macau that shared the same Chinese culture as Taiwan, in order to explain and review the legislative attitude of different countries. Chapter 5 expounds the constitutional controversy of the penalty on adult sex trade stipulated in Article 80 of the Social Order Maintenance Act, and its violation of the constitution. Chapter 6 presents the findings and suggestions.




蘇芳儀(2014)。我國性交易管制: 從女性主義與實證研究評析社會秩序維護法〔碩士論文,國立交通大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6842/NCTU.2014.00049
