  • 學位論文


Promotion of Green Building Policy for Private Buildings

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


由於氣候變遷、大氣的暖化,人們開始注意到地球永續發展的問題,而綠建築的發展也就成為了世界各國的焦點,綠建築的發展亦為我國目前的重要政策之一,早在十多年前我國就已開始發展綠建築。目前公有建築物的部份因為有強制性的規定,在綠建築的推動上已經有不錯的成效,但是在私有建築物的部份,不管是綠建築標章或是候選證書的數量都極少,所以如何提升民間參與綠建築的研究就顯得特別重要。 本研究經訪談的方式瞭解影響私有綠建築形成之原因,訪談的對象包含建設公司、代銷公司以及核發綠建築標章的台灣築中心等五位營建業相關人士;其次對於綠建築與非綠建築的居民進行問卷調查,共計發放100份問卷,經過分析整理後,得到以下結論: 1. 影響私有綠建築形成之原因有四個層面:影響建商興建綠建築的因素、建商財務的不確定性、政府推行與獎勵方式不足、市場現況不利於綠建築的發展。 2. 綠建築居民與非綠建築居民之間的差異:經本研究所調查的案例中顯示,綠建築居民對於綠建築的瞭解與接受程度並沒有比非綠建築居民來的高,而且在綠建築的居民中,僅一半的人知道自己所住的是綠建築,四成的人回答不清楚,更有接近10%的人認為自己住的不是綠建築,顯然目前居住在綠建築的人當初在購買房屋時,「是否為綠建築?」並不是他們主考量的因素。 3. 目前綠建築的相關獎勵並沒有直接受惠於一般的消費者,經本研究調查發現具體可行的激勵誘因:第一名低息貸款,其次為現金回扣補貼、稅收減免、推廣教育、強制性法規,可供未來政府在擬定相關獎勵措施之參考


In this study, we figure out the factor which affects the development of private green building by means of thorough interviews and questionnaires. The interviewees includes five construction industry experts from construction company, housing agents and the green building label referee of Taiwan Architect & Building Center. Moreover, 100 green building residents or non-green building residents were surveyed through questionnaires. By the way of data collating and processing, we draw three conclusions: 1) There are four reasons affecting the development of private green building: motivation of the builders, financial considerations of construction companies, the problem caused from the Government’s promotion, and unfavorable market conditions. 2) There are differences between green building residents and non-green building residents. The result shows that green building residents don’t know more or adopt easier to green building then non-green building residents. In all participants who live in green building, only half of them are aware of that they live in green building, and 40% of them aren’t quite sure about it. Furthermore, nearly 10% of the participants lived in green building aren’t conscious of the fact that they live in green building. This result shows that most of the present green building residents didn’t take it into consideration that if it’s green building or not. 3) The current incentive for green building don’t benefit general purchaser. It shows that low-interest loan is the preferable feasible incentives. The others are cash rebate subsidies, tax relief, promotion of education, and mandatory regulations. The results is conductive to the formulation of related reward system.


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7. 劉慶平,「綠建築專章管理制度之研究」國立台北科技大學建築與都市設計研究所碩士論文,台北 (2007)
2. 吳明助,「推動綠建築證書與標章提升策略之探討」,國立中央大學土木工程研究所碩士論文,台北 (2008)
3. 吳文舜,「我國綠建築政策評估之研究」,國立台北大學公共行政暨政策學系碩士論文,台北 (2011)


