  • 學位論文


Reterritorialized Student Migrations in Comparison: Taiwanese Students in China and Malaysian Chinese Students in Taiwan

指導教授 : 藍佩嘉


本研究試圖了解兩群在廣義上可被歸類於「僑生」的相似學生遷移,也就是前往中國就讀高等教育的台灣學生(旅中台生),以及來台灣求取高等教育,長期被理解為僑生的馬來西亞華人學生(旅台馬生),其各自遷移的動機與軌跡為何,又各自鑲嵌在怎樣的制度空間與政策環境之中。 這兩個學生遷移的比較案例,都是由移入國基於特殊國族定位而開展的的學生遷移;中國與台灣皆為了在實質統治疆域外,維持或創造與其國族想像中的廣義「華僑」之間的國族關係,因而為兩群學生建立了特殊優惠的入學管道。我比較了這兩個可被放進相似範疇的「僑生遷移」,探討這兩個案例背後中、台兩地不同的國族想像及變化,並比較兩地對「華僑」概念的不同指涉。經由兩相對照的比較研究,我得以更清楚恰當地分析其各自的政策邏輯以及遷移現象。 關照學生遷移現象的文獻,多從國際不平等、區域整合、高等教育國際化等角度,把跨國教育遷移理解為一種培育全球性人力資本的經驗,有助於遷移的個人在未來進行跨國界的專業遷移或地位流動。我認為,旅中台生與旅台馬生的案例,共同構成了學生遷移的特殊案例。首先,中國以及台灣政府,分別提供兩群學生特殊化的入學管道,但這些學生的移出國(台灣與馬來西亞)有很長的時間不承認兩國學歷。這些框架體現在學生遷移背後,跨國之間可能的族群政治緊張的特殊關係、經濟競逐,以及疆域化的治理邏輯。其次,他們的留學目的地不同於傳統的歐美日核心國,中國與台灣的高等教育並沒有取得類似的知識或文化霸權地位,在兩群學生返回原居地無法得到學歷正式認可的狀況下,他們所欲累積的文化資本或是社會資本,涉及不同的內容組成與轉換邏輯。 本研究透過對旅中台生、旅台馬生的深度訪談,了解相關制度與文獻的收集,結合制度環境與主體經驗的層次,來考察這兩個追求高等教育的遷移現象。在遷移的鉅觀脈絡上,台灣與中國政府如何開放並鼓勵招收這兩群學生?這些制度框架經歷了怎樣的轉變歷程?旅中台生與旅台馬生可利用怎樣的入學管道,接受的待遇為何?如何有別於其他移入國的入學者?在遷移的微觀成因上,他們基於怎樣的因素前往台灣與中國求學?他們意圖藉由遷移進行怎樣的資本積累以及轉換?遷移決定主要是基於個人或是家庭的考量?遷移動機又因學科專業的不同呈現怎樣的差異?最後,在遷移的後果方面,他們特殊化的遷移經驗會帶來在勞動市場上,以及微觀認同政治上產生什麼後果?


This thesis paper compares two interesting cases of student migrants, who are both treated by their receiving countries as “compatriots returning to homeland”. They are: Taiwanese students who acquire higher education in China, and, Malaysian Chinese students who follow the long-lasting tradition to study in universities in Taiwan. For ages, “Studying abroad”, referring to migration to acquire higher education in foreign countries, is a common approach to cultivating human capital and achieving social mobility. In these two circulations of student migration, what they experience cannot be simply counted as the typical pattern of educational migration. Rather, their migrating stories has unveil an underdeveloped category of “compatriot student migrations”, whose favored positions and recruiting channels are provided under the similar yet distinct cross-border relations between compatriot/ huaqiao and homeland/nation. Most literature on student migration utilizes the theoretical lens of deterritorialization to portray the internationalization of higher education. Educational migration, as an investment in human capital, assists individuals in achieving future professional migration and social mobility in the context global capitalism. Here I argue that the migration of Taiwanese students in China, as well as Malaysian Chinese students in Taiwan, constitute together the deviant case of student migration in the following two senses. Firstly, the government of China recruits Taiwanese students via special venues, and the government of Taiwan refuses to recognize degrees issued by China; likewise, the Malaysian Chinese students have long been offered with also a special channel to study in Taiwan, despite the fact that their degrees issued by Taiwan would not be recognized by the Malaysian government. These institutional frameworks embody the territorialized logics of governance and the contested political and economic relations across Taiwan Strait, as well as the international relation of Taiwanese government towards overseas Chinese. Second, in both cases, these students hold motivations distinct from those going to traditional host countries. They chose to study in China/Taiwan not because te receiving country has obtained a globally hegemonic status in the production of knowledge. Their purposes are often beyond the seeking of degrees or knowledge. Also, their practice in accumulating combination of capitals should be further analyzed. Through in-depth interviews and analysis of relevant policy making, this research examines the motivations and trajectories of Taiwanese/Malaysian Chinese students moving to China/Taiwan for higher education, and to identify the embedded institutional and policy contexts. I pose questions regarding the macro context such as: How does the government of China/Taiwan establish special channels to recruit these two flows of students? How did these institutional frameworks change over time in relation to the shifting cross-border dynamics, the changing imagined community of what counts as “nation” within China and Taiwan? At the micro and meso levels, I ask: What motivates Taiwanese/Malaysian students to study in China/Taiwan? What do they wish to earn while studying in these places? What kinds of capital do they wish to cultivate or accumulate? Was the migration decision made individually or as a family strategy? How do their motivations differ across professions and majors?


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