  • 學位論文

從全球汽車產業供應鏈探討台灣 OEM汽車零組件產業中國市場進入策略與國際化契機

A Study on the China Market Entrance Strategies and Globalization Opportunities for Taiwan OEM Auto Parts Industry

指導教授 : 湯明哲


以往台灣汽車市場因規模極小,難以培養本土汽車零組件廠成為國際大型一階供應商,因而台灣汽車零組件業者結構多以中小型企業為主,面對國際競爭,往往缺乏競爭力;近10年,全球汽車市場成長停滯,而中國汽車產業在經濟快速成長,市場需求的大幅擴張的與生產成本低廉的雙重吸引力下,各國際知名車廠(OEM Auto Maker)與零組件供應商(Tier 1 Auto Suppliers)紛紛進駐中國,近年來台灣汽車產業亦紛紛外移以尋求新的契機,中國大陸又居外移之目的地之首,順應此一趨勢,台灣業者藉由地理位置、語言、文化、國際觀、管理技能及兩岸分工與整合的優勢,如何利用於中國之低成本製造優勢與廣大市場,切入國際供應鏈,不僅是台灣汽車零組件產業所需探討的方向,也是在激烈的全球競爭環境中所不容忽視的。 本研究藉由近年來汽車產業的動向,探討以下問題: 1.未來汽車整廠與零組件供應商供應鏈發展趨勢? 2.進軍大陸市場對台灣汽車零組件供應商之策略意函? 3.台灣汽車零組件業大陸市場之進入策略?於大陸發展之契機與挑戰? 為了解上述問題,本研究由目前全球汽車原廠與 Tier1 汽車零件供應商的產業情況、供應鏈的發展結構與趨勢、大陸發展狀況、台灣汽車零組件發展概況,以探討業者於大陸之發展概況與面對的契機與挑戰,而後以東陽與六和公司於大陸發展經驗為例,說明台灣汽車零組件業利用於大陸之據點以乘機進入國際供應鏈之策略,本研究並提出下列建議: 1. 大陸市場已成為台灣汽車零組件面對國際競爭之重要成功因素。 2. 合資與協同配套較獨資為較佳之中國進入策略。 3. 台灣車廠、大陸前十大汽車集團與國際大廠為台灣業者較適合之合資夥伴。 4. 汽車零組件之產品線擴充為競爭優勢之強化策略。


Because automotive market in Taiwan is small, Taiwanese automotive suppliers have difficulty in developing into and competing with global first tier suppliers. In the past decade, the worldwide automotive market has become saturated and has stopped growing while the Chinese automotive industry has been booming. With the appeal of a growing market and low production costs, OEM auto makers and first tier auto suppliers have been entering China one after another, establishing their production sites in China. In past few years, Taiwanese automotive suppliers have also entered overseas markets to seek for new growth opportunities, and China is one of the major destinations. Taiwan, with the advantage of its geographical location, language and cultural background, now has the golden opportunity to enter the global supply chain, via the China market. How to efficiently utilize these advantages and the China market will be a very important issue for the future development of the Taiwanese automotive industry. The following issues will be discussed at this study: 1. The development of the supply chain of auto makers and first tier suppliers in the future. 2. The strategic implication of the China market for Taiwanese automotive suppliers. 3. The China market entrance strategy for Taiwanese automotive suppliers. 4. The opportunities and challenges facing Taiwanese automotive suppliers in China. This study discusses the current status and future development of auto supply chain between auto maker and first tier suppliers, their current status in China, the development of Taiwan automotive industry in Taiwan and China, and success of Taiwan suppliers in entering the China market. The conclusions are as follows: 1. China market has already become an important interface for Taiwan automotive suppliers to enter global supply chain and to compete with other auto parts suppliers. 2. Joint venture and cooperation with other first tier suppliers will be a better entrance strategy rather than FDI(Foreign direct investment). 3. Taiwan auto makers, top 10 China auto makers and other first tier suppliers are the most favorable partners for joint venture when entering China. 4. Broadening the product line is a strategy to strength competitive advantage.


John L. Colley, Jr.& Jacqueline L. Doyle & Robert D. Hardie,Corporate Strategy,Mc. Graw Hill出版。
Umar Riaz and Eric J. Johnson,Industry Report/Automotive Suppliers (http://www.accenture.com/outlook)
一、 英文部分


