  • 學位論文


Shall “We” Talk? –The Psychological Meaning of We Pronoun in Interpersonal Interaction

指導教授 : 林以正


關係聚焦(relational-focus)與共享認同(share identity)是人際關係理論中重要的概念,許多實徵研究已經發現其有助於關係的發展與維繫,對個人的身心適應亦有所禆益。近來語言分析取向嘗試使用第一人稱複數代名詞「我們」的使用頻率來表徵關係聚焦與共享認同,但其對關係滿意度的預測效果卻不穩定,可能的調節因素仍待釐清。本研究以動機觀點切入,主張「我們」與適應指標之間的關聯,會受到個體所持的動機觀點調節而有不同的作用方向。本文依據Crocker所提出的兩大動機觀點架構區分出個我系統動機與生態系統動機,進一步以人際目標、友誼動機及人際情境等不同的角度切入,探討動機對「我們」和適應指標之間的調節效果。結果顯示持關愛目標的個體,使用越多「我們」,其幸福感越高,心理憂鬱越低(研究一);以自我肯定操弄驅動生態系統動機的個體,使用越多「我們」,其在對話過程中經驗到的正向情緒越多,負向情緒越低,且心理適應也越好(研究二);相對地,低趨近友誼動機的個體,使用越多「我們」,其友誼關係越差(研究三);高支配傾向的個體在衝突對話中使用越多「我們」,其關係滿意度越差(研究四);最後,感恩表達的情境中,使用越多的我們,其婚姻滿意度越高,生活滿意度也越高,且心理憂鬱越低(研究五)。總結而言,「我們」與正向適應指標之間的關聯,在偏向生態系統動機的個體上相對增強,在個我系統動機的個體上則相對減弱;反之,「我們」與負向適應指標之間的關聯,則對個我系統動機的個體而言更為明顯,對生態系統動機的個體則無此效果。針對本研究的理論貢獻、應用延伸及研究限制,在綜合討論中有更深入的闡述與說明。


Relational-focus and shared identity are important concepts in interpersonal processes and have positive impact on relationship functionings and personal health. Recently, researchers from language studies suggested that the use of the first-person plural pronoun (“we”) could be used as an implicit marker of relational-focus and shared identity. However, the relationships between the use of “we” pronoun and relationship satisfaction were unstable. Thus, clarification of possible moderating mechanisms are called for. Based on the perspective of ego-system and eco-system motivations, the current research argued that the interpersonal goals would moderate the relationships between “we” pronoun use and adjustment indices. Five studies with different operationalizations of the eco- and ego-motivation systems including self-affirmation priming, manipulations of approach and avoidance motivations, expression of gratitude, and individual differences measures, were adopted to examine this proposed moderation effect. Dyadic interactions between couples across various communication contexts were observed and their dialogues were recorded, transcribed, and then analyzed by LIWC. Results confirmed that interpersonal motivations moderated the relationships between “we” pronoun uses and adjustment indices as predicted. More specifically, for those who hold eco-system motivation perspective, the more they used “we” pronoun in various communication contexts, the better relationship satisfaction and psychological adjustment they achieved. In contrast, for individuals with ego-system motivation, “we” pronoun positively correlated with negative outcomes. The current research confirmed the proposed moderation mechanism and further supported that language markers could be effective indices of implicit psychological processes. Empirical and theoretical implications are also discussed.


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