  • 學位論文


Competition Strategies of a Branding IT Company Entering the Mobile Communication Market: A Case Study of Company A

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


資訊產業與行動通訊產業隨著技術與產品的快速發展,供應商與市場開始重疊,產業的區隔逐漸模糊。本研究透過產業匯流模型,針對資訊產業與行動通訊產業作一分析,得到資訊與行動通訊產業是在產品整合的驅動下展開匯流,而智慧型手機則是這個產品整合的結果。智慧型手機市場出現,進一步引發兩個產業的技術整合,逐漸形成全面的產業整合。 在產業匯流的過程中,出現了許多跨產業的競爭。像是Apple,Google等資訊品牌大廠成功的進入智慧型手機產業,使得智慧型手機產業的競爭加劇。本研究依據以往的研究資料彙整出八項智慧型手機產業的關鍵成功因素。並透過專家訪談,除了大家一致認同的品質因素外,另外提出三項最重要的關鍵因素 .掌握市場需求趨勢的能力,開發對的產品。 .品牌形象力量的發揮,有助於市場開發。 .創新與知識管理的能力,掌握核心技術建立競爭優勢。 此外,本研究透過訪談與市場資料,彙整Apple、Google與HP等已經進入行動通訊市場的資訊品牌的成功經驗,並以將投入行動通訊領域的資訊品牌A公司為例,給予四項策略上的建議,作為A公司進入行動通訊市場的參考。 .切入中低價位的市場 .與軟體服務廠商結盟 .先由通路市場建立品牌知名度 .建立核心技術的研發能力


With the rapid development of technology and products, the suppliers and market of IT and mobile communication industry began to overlap, the segment between the two industries gradually blurred. The study make a analysis on the type of industry convergence for IT and mobile communication industry, and find out the convergence model of IT and mobile communications industry is driven by product convergence in complement. Furthermore, smartphone becomes the result of the product convergence. The coming smartphone market further raises the two industries in technological converngence, and gradually formed a comprehensive integrated industry. There have been many cross-industry competition in the process of industy convergence. Such as Apple, Google and other IT branding companies entering the smartphone industry successfully, makes the competition increased in smartphone market. The study address eight key successful factors in the smartphone industry based on previous research data. Through expert interviews, in addition to the quality factor is agreed by all experts, another three most important key factors be highlighted: .The ability to grasp market demending trends .Creating brand power to contribute the market development .Building innovation and knowledge management capabilities In addition, this study collect the successful story of Apple, Google and HP in mobile communication industry, and take the IT company A as a case study, to give four tactical suggestions as a references when company A is entering the smartphone market: .Entering the low cost market .An alliance with software service company .Building brand awareness on channel .Establishing core technology and R&D capability


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