  • 學位論文


An Analysis of Bio-Diesel Projects Utilizing Waste Edible Oil and Jatropha Oil in Taiwan

指導教授 : 鄭欽龍


能源是現代生活中不可或缺的要素。近年來,燃燒煤和石油排放的大量二氧化碳已成為嚴重的環境問題,因此推展可以替代化石燃料的再生性生物能源,是紓緩全球暖化效應的重要手段。本研究目的在於從經濟面上評估並比較在台灣利用廢食用油及痲瘋果油生產生質柴油的計畫案。 本研究結果顯示,在本地原料供應穩定性及市場需求的考量下,廢食用油計畫方案較為適當,其淨現值為新台幣19,327,767 元、內部報酬率為12.02%,而成本價為每公升23.73元。痲瘋果油方案則須納入碳權交易的收益,以及在年產37,854公秉生質柴油的較大生產規模下,方具可行性。在具有碳權收益時,其淨現值為44,347,501元,內部報酬率為14.03%,但成本價稍高為每公升23.75元。


Energy is essential to meet the basic needs of modern society. Recently, the huge emission of carbon dioxide from coal and petroleum products is an environmental issue; the promotion of renewable bio-energy which can be a substitute of fossil fuel became a vivid instrument to mitigate the global warming effect. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and compare the projects of utilizing waste edible oil and Jatropha oil to produce bio-Diesel in economic aspects in Taiwan. The study result indicates that the waste edible oil project is more appropriate for the considerations of the secure supply of the local raw materials and the demand for local market; the net present value of the project is 19,327,767 NTD (New Taiwan Dollar), the internal rate of return is 12.02%, and cost-price is 23.73 NTD per liter. The Jatropha oil project is feasible only with the revenue of trading carbon credit and a larger production scale of 37,854 kilometric liters, its net present value with carbon credit is 44,347,501 NTD, internal rate of return is 14.03%, but a higher cost-price of 23.75 NTD.


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