  • 學位論文


Study of Organizational Behavior and Capabilities of High-Tech Fab Construction Team

指導教授 : 張陸滿


高科技廠房工程具有規模龐大、工期緊迫、界面整合複雜、設計變更頻繁及高標準的品質要求等之特性,施工過程需以大量勞力及機具換取時間並創造施工空間及動線,因而增加專案管理的複雜性。為因應建廠過程中繁重的管理工作,營造廠派駐大量人力執行營建專案管理業務,但隨著組織龐大而衍生另一組織內部管理之問題,因此,在專案執行過程中,專案團隊組織行為以及專案管理能力將決定專案是否能如預期之目標達成。 組織行為以及專案管理能力包含團隊成員之個人特質及能力、團隊行為管理模式以及專案管理執行能力,三者是相互影響的,專案成員之特質及能力將影響組織行為及專案團隊之能力表現,而組織行為及管理方式亦影響個別成員在組織內之表現並能激發或提升其能力,並進而影響團隊能力以及團隊產出之成果與服務品質。 本研究經由文獻回顧、現地考察與專家訪談分析,以組織行為為導向整理出專案執行之現況模式以及所觀察到之執行與管理落差問題。發掘影響專案團隊能力及行為因子,分別為:主管及工程師之學經歷、個人特質及個人能力;專案團隊架構及授權、工作規劃、溝通行為、監督行為、領導管理行為,配合專案管理知識體系分類之管理範疇,以整合管理、範疇管理、時程管理、品質管理、人力資源管理、溝通管理、風險管理、採購管理等,再搭配專案管理過程中,來自專家判斷以及組織過程資產所累積之知識管理為研究因子。整體研究範圍共包含三大構面以及二十項研究因子。 在確認研究因子後,本研究依據專案團隊執行現況及問題,以及專家訪談之意見,依據專案團隊執行施工管理重要工作整理出團隊所需具備的能力面向共七十二項,再以問卷調查方式探討其重要性。 研究中除列出各項能力及因子之相對重要性,也比對主管與工程師;業主與營造廠以及資深與非資深工程師對各面向之觀點差異,應可提供專案團隊在組織運作管理以及施工管理工作中,瞭解不同立場或背景的人員彼此對工作重視程度的差異,作為團隊組織管理及內部溝通之參考與應用。


High tech fab construction is known for its large scale, intense scheduling, complex integration compromise, frequent design changes and high quality demand. It takes tremendous labor and machinery in exchange for time, space and flow during its construction process. Thus, project management of this kind has become much more complicated. To accommodate such heavy management workload, the construction vendor generally allocates large management team on site which then creates the internal organizational management issue. Therefore, the success of the project management counts on the organizational behavior and capabilities of such management team. Organizational behavior and project management capabilities are composed of three elements intertwining with each other, including the characteristics and abilities of the team members, the team behavior management and the ability to implement. The characteristics and abilities of the members determine the team performance and the organizational behavior. However, at the same time, the organizational behavior and management also impact each individual’s performance in the team and further impact the team capability that generates team performance and quality. Through literature reviews, on-site observation, and professional interviews, this research summarized the current models of project implementation and the gap between implementation and management control and has come up with various factors impacting the capabilities and behavior of the project management team, including backgrounds of the supervisor and engineers, individual traits and capabilities, professional team structure and hierarchy, work planning, communication behavior, supervision behavior, and leadership behavior. To complete a thorough study of such factor analysis, this research also added a number of other factors in application of the concepts of PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) as well as knowledge management factor driven from professional judgment and organizational process assets during the project management process. The entire study detailed 20 research factors out of three aspects. After confirming the relevant factors based on the current project team implementation models and issues as well as the suggestions from the professional interviews, this research has explored their importance by conducting a questionnaire of these 72 items. This research has intended to not only detail the relevant importance of the factors and their contributing member traits and team capabilities, but also to compare the different viewpoints between supervisors and engineer, fab owner and construction vendor as well as senior and non-senior engineers. Our findings should provide a valuable reference and application for project management and construction management via the mutual understanding of various team members on project organizational management and internal communications.


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