  • 學位論文


An investigation of industrial brand as an operational strategy of Taiwan Server Supplier

指導教授 : 孫嘉祈


台灣製造之伺服器聞名全球,硬體為企業之核心競爭優勢,其代工製造及企業的垂直整合能力,使得台灣伺服器在全球擁有第一的市占率。 企業隨著網路雲端、資料中心需求持續及中國內需成長的幫助下,帶動趨於飽和的伺服器市場快速成長,促使ODM-Direct (工業品牌伺服器製造商)崛起,為市場開啟新契機,尤其中國政府積極培植本地供應商,新興國家加入伺服器市場,導致台系廠商面臨全球化競局,未來如何強化企業的營運策略顯得至關重要。 本研究透過文獻蒐集,瞭解台灣伺服器市場概況及何謂工業品牌,運用專家訪談法,採開放式問答及討論,將所得之訪談資訊做歸納及分析比較,研究結果顯示影響台灣伺服器企業品牌價值之關鍵因素為售後服務、品質、可靠性、價格、技術能力及性能,並建議企業以培植己身實力、深化功能品質、加強軟硬體整合能力為發展重點,以期在全球競局脫穎而出。


Servers which are manufactured in Taiwan is well-known over the world. Hardware as the core competitive, manufacturing and vertical integration competence cause Taiwanese servers have the primary marketing share worldwide. With consists demands on cloud computing and data centers, and the helps of increasing domestically demands in China, server industry has driven the saturation market be rapid growth, and make ODM-Direct (Industrial brand server manufacturer) rising in server market reform and open a new opportunity. In particular, China government active to coaching local supplier, emerging countries enter the market, lead Taiwan OEM/ODM face global competition. Therefore, how to strengthen the operational strategy of supplier is crucial. This study through collected literature to understand the market profile of Taiwan server supplier and what is Industrial brand, then use expert interview method and Q&A with open discussion to summarized, analyze and compare the information. Results of study shows the influence of key factor which impact Taiwan server supplier on brand value is “After sales service, Quality, Reliability, Price, Capability and Performance” and the research recommends that enterprise should coaching their own strength, deepen the quality function, enhance the integration of hardware and software capacity development in order to stand out in the global competition.


6.柯佾婷,2014年11月,論第三方支付平台相關爭議 -以損失風險分配為探討核心,國立中正大學法律學研究所碩士論文
